Write what you know – or write what you like?

One of the received wisdoms that new writers are handed as sage advice is ‘Write what you know.’ Which is yet another of the seemingly impossible things you are supposed to do, along with figuring out where to put the commas and wrestling a story arc. And it’s all very fine, if you have an exciting day job, or home life. But if you are just an ordinary Jill, or Joe? That’s hard. But when you think about it, how many of those stories you like to read start with the protagonist at a point of change, very often moving away from the ordinary to something new and scary?

I finally came to the conclusion that, like a lot of advice, you had to moderate it to suit. If you start thinking in terms of what you like, love, are interested in, are prepared to find out about i.e. research, and we all know about writers and research …

If you are curious, then you can go on the journey with your protagonist. And of course the Internet is a boon – which is one of the reasons you should never look at a writer’s browsing history, if they write crime. There’s a hint in that too – write what you know – but I don’t think that any of my crime writer friends are serial killers in real life. I hope not!!! But they can tap into imagination and emotion. We’ve probably all had times when we have felt we wanted to murder someone.  Thankfully it usually lasts only a few seconds, but in those seconds it’s there. And your imagination does the rest. And all the other human emotions too – love, envy, home-sickness, regret, jealousy, contentment …

I‘ve reached the conclusion that the mantra needs to be ‘Write something that interests you – preferably something that excites you.’ And this may not be something from everyday life. As an historian, I should probably be writing historicals, but that’s never been what really attracted me.

Except … I have a new idea, and disconcertingly it is playing into lots of things that I actually know – or think I do. It’s not in any danger of being written any time soon, or even ever, but it’s always fun to day dream.