
Winning is what fuels me. And it’s not just about deals or career milestones, or even just about myself – it has been winning or delivering wins in every meaningful area of my life: faith, family, and purpose.

This looks like opportunities to express and serve my faith, winning my wife’s hand, winning by having a positive impact on my kids or making my family’s day brighter. And delivering as many wins as possible to everyone I am blessed to interact with.

Being fueled by winning can also be the bane of one’s existence. Every day presents its own share of sometimes debilitating, life-altering challenges. Our support system doesn’t look like what we think it will or we think we want it to. Our trust in others can be shaken to the core. The rug can be pulled out from under you at any time; the shoe can drop, the curtain can close while you’re on stage.

In my life, losing people, friends, jobs and my way, plus getting it wrong many times in my relationships has taught me countless lessons. Experience teaches us to show up differently and better the next time based on the lesson.

Leave no stone unturned in your attempts to create and nurture paths to winning in whatever you’re passionate about. Go down swinging, so you look back with no regrets. And leave it all on the field. Don’t let an outcome stand or a number sit next to your name that isn’t indicative of your best.

You can’t control everything, but if you control the controllables, the odds will be in your favor.

That’s how – no matter what happens around you or to you – you’ll always emerge better, wiser, and victorious.
