The Key to Effective Sales Training: Consistency, Continuous Learning and Action Plans – Richard Vickers & Carson Heady


Sales training is an essential aspect of any successful sales team. It equips sales professionals with the knowledge, skills, and strategies they need to excel in their roles. However, one common pitfall in sales training is the lack of continuity and follow-through after the initial training sessions. In this insightful conversation between Richard and Carson, they discuss the importance of continuous learning and action plans in sales training. They emphasize the significance of implementing what has been learned, adapting to new tools and techniques, and maintaining a focused approach. This article delves into the valuable lessons shared in their discussion.

The Challenge of Sticking to Landing

Richard and Carson both agree that sales training can lose its impact when it becomes a one-off event without any follow-up milestones. Often, after an exciting and motivating training session, sales professionals return to their daily routines without integrating the new knowledge into their practices. Carson compares this situation to going on a diet without a plan for what happens after the diet ends. Without a structured follow-up plan, the acquired skills and knowledge may fade away, rendering the training ineffective.

Continuous Learning for Ongoing Success

The key to maintaining sales momentum and staying relevant in a rapidly changing market is continuous learning. Just as a surgeon needs to learn new life-saving procedures, sales professionals must keep abreast of the latest tools, technology, and tactics. Adopting a growth mindset and being open to ongoing education is crucial for salespeople who wish to remain at the top of their game.

Carson draws a parallel between the relationship of a sales trainer or coach with a seller to that of a seller with a customer. To ensure success, a coach must invest in the seller’s growth, regularly assessing progress, and adjusting the approach as needed. Similarly, sales professionals must invest time and effort in seeking out the expertise of successful colleagues and industry leaders to stay updated and continuously improve.

Action Plans and Frameworks for Success

An action plan is vital for translating sales training into real-world results. Both Richard and Carson stress the significance of having a structured plan of engagement following the initial training. Such a plan may include milestones, goals, and actionable items to ensure that the training has a lasting impact.

Carson shares a personal experience where he introduced a brilliant plan but failed to sustain its effectiveness over time due to a lack of focus and a clear framework. He realized that smaller, strategic adjustments to the existing process are often more effective than radical changes. Regular follow-up action steps, such as progress check-ins and mentorship, play a critical role in solidifying learning and keeping the sales team on track.

The Power of Focus and Discipline

In the pursuit of continuous improvement, Carson emphasizes the importance of focus and discipline. Filtering out distractions and zeroing in on what works best is essential for success. As the conversation unfolds, it becomes evident that sales professionals must be diligent in seeking out opportunities for learning and growth. The thirst for knowledge and the willingness to adapt are qualities that set high-performing salespeople apart from the rest.


In the competitive world of sales, training is only as valuable as the actions and changes it inspires. Continuous learning and action plans are the cornerstones of effective sales training. Embracing new tools and techniques, and regularly reviewing and refining strategies, enables sales professionals to remain at the forefront of their field. As Richard and Carson conclude their conversation, it is evident that in the quest to become a master of sales, the journey of learning and growth is perpetual, and success lies in being committed to the path of improvement.