Going on vacation? Take A Fierce Wind with you… It’s ON SALE on Amazon for 99¢…


  This poem has long troubled me. The final line of the last version [which you…

That Fireball Incident

What if, I were to offer you tennis ball and some duct tape to play with?…

Flight from Fernilee – Chapters 27 & 28

“Concrete, tarmac, flyovers, runways, carriageways, leisure complexes, skyscrapers 5 miles high. That’s the future, Miles…. The…

Who Owns Your Vehicle?

As I do with each of my books, while I was writing Jack of Spades I…

Le cœur d’une guerrière

Le cœur d’une guerrière Marastin Dow Tome 1 Deux frères humains, kidnappés et vendus par un…

Science Fiction & Fantasy: The Most Intelligent Genres

First of all, what exactly is this Fantasy and Science Fiction category which I think is…

Steena Reads: A Family of Strangers

Could a lifetime of memories…be a lifetime of lies? I love anything when it comes to…

Sir Princess Petra’s Talent wins a 2019 Book Excellence Award

Sir Princess Petra on Amazon 2019 Book Excellence Award Winners Sir Princess Petra has already proven…

Throwback Thursday: M4M

Taking a gay man’s life journey from finding love to losing love to finding it again…within…

Derailing Bedlam: Derailing the Detour Part 2 #fiction #adventure

As usual, here is your warning that this story has cursing, sex (not graphic), innuendo, and…

Off to Conference!

That’s me just about packed for the RNA weekend conference at Lancaster and hoping I don’t…

AWD vs. 4WD

A while back (September 2015) I talked about the difference between all-wheel drive (AWD) and four-wheel…

Mary Jayne signs with Hera for two books as Lisa Swift

I’m delighted to announce I have signed a two-book deal with Hera under the new pen…

Thursday – A Little Personal – Twiggy and Lucy See Some Action

Lucy and Twiggy are blissfully unaware that a danger worse than thunder is about to invade…

Thriller Thursday with E.M. shue

Today on the blog we’re joined by Beverley Award Winner Author E.M. Shue. She writes action,…

Introducing Harmony Kent.

It’s my great pleasure to host author Harmony Kent’s work here today as part of her…

Opening Lines from Kitty Wilson: The Cornish Village School

It’s Thursday! That means it’s time for some ‘Opening Lines.’ This week Kitty Wilson is providing…

On this day in 1842, Nathaniel & Sophia Hawthorne Began Their First Full Day as Husband & Wife.

About FOR THE LOVE OF HAWTHORNE Salem, Massachusetts witnessed horrific and shameful events in 1692 that…

Let the Holidays Begin!

With my daughter finishing school in June after completing her GCSE exams, our holiday season kicked…


“What is red, but smells like blue paint?” asked granddaughter Alice, with a cheeky grin on…

Why I Don’t Have Time To Date

I’ve been meaning to blog again the past few weeks. In August, I will have been…

Author Earnings: My 2019 Breakdown Of Book Sales By Format, Genre, Vendor And Country

It’s the time of year when I report on my book sales and reflect on what…

Looking forward to research

I have a new passport!! The old one was very expired – I only found out…

Ring My Bells

   When Pierre came to live with us, our daughter had trained him to use *Poochie…