Other duties for me today

Otto and Frankie allowed me to sleep in a bit this morning, and I was grateful for that. This allowed me to feed them, make coffee, etc. before I called my mother.

This has been a weekly arrangement since I moved to Idaho decades ago. I like chatting with her, and we tend to spend a lot of time on it.

After that, it was time for Dutch Baby 2.0. This time I incorporated a few changes. One was offered by John Howell, and that was to make sure my ingredients were all room temperature.

I came up with a couple of others on my own. First, I think the 10 inch pan was overkill, so I opted for an 8 incher. This made me adjust the timer from 15 minutes to 12. That was a guess, but it worked out well.

Finally, I added a tiny pinch of baking powder, to see if I could get that nice cup shape I was after. I used about 3/4 of my batter, because the pan was smaller. If I apportioned properly, I might even get two out of this mix, but really only wanted to eat one. Here’s how it looked right from the oven.

The sombrero look deflated almost immediately, which was what I’d hoped for. This is the finished project.

Okay, I admit to being cheap here. A can of peach slices and the kind of whipped cream from a can. However, with the paper plate, I only had to clean up the blender, a pan, and one fork. It was great. If I were to do this again, I might pour off the canning liquid and reduce that in a pan to thicken it up a bit.

Got the cup shape I was looking for, nice crisp to the pancake. It was great.

Only then did I allow myself to write. I might have gotten 500 words down, so nothing to brag about. This is the life of a writer. Sometimes you have to deal with other things, but I have two more days off and the house to myself.

I think I’ll spend a large part of my day reading. I’m a little behind on that, and Sundays are perfect to deal with other projects.