It’s finished!

 A bitter sweet moment as I have just finished the hand written draft of Riviera Book 4. Feels like I am saying goodbye to my characters, but actually the work goes on as the typing and editing is next. That’s not so much fun though. I love the discovery of the characters, the journey, the falling in love, the nearly getting killed … 

I don’t like it when I don’t have a WIP in progress, even when I sometimes can’t get near it for days when life intervenes. 

There is always the big question too – will the readers approve it? It’s certainly not like the other three books – but they are not like each other. A lot of work goes into a book and as my reason for writing them is so that people will enjoy reading them, it matters.

The next big question is how soon can I get the nuts and bolts stuff done? Sometimes it seems to take forever. I’d really like to get this one out during the summer, rather than a September release like the last two, when they tend to run into the back of the new releases for Christmas. 

Typing, editing, fact checking – now the real work starts. 

I’ll let you know how things go.