How to Prioritize the Priorities of Your Customer, Your Company & You

The customer, your company and you must be on equal footing – balanced in the relationship, priorities and the deal.

Sysco‘s Matthew K. Berra joins Biyork Canada‘s Jon Kronemeyer and Microsoft‘s Carson V. Heady to discuss.

As a #seller, you cannot go full throttle prioritizing any one component of that sales trinity. It’s a constant balancing act – ensuring we weave in our company’s metrics and priorities with the customer’s roadmap and the things that get us paid.

Ideally, we can develop the relationships with clients that lead to mutual wins. Understand what a win looks like to them; understand their projects, priorities, industry trends and their mission.

These relationships happen through investment – of time, of value – and dependability. Earn trust and be transparent about resources you can bring to bear.

When you have the level of relationship with a customer where they will share what is digestible from a budget perspective along with you divulging what investments they can make will unlock better incentives for all, truly meaningful deals occur for customers, your company and YOU.
