How to Navigate Working for a Small Vs. Large Company

There are often stark differences between working for large vs. small organizations – what are the key nuances between them?

Jeff Kirchick joins me for this week’s #MindshareMonday to discuss.

In smaller organizations, you often have more autonomy – which is exciting for some, but the lack of process or resources may frustrate them. You may be able to operate very quickly but need to be comfortable with the pace and leading the charge.

Larger companies often have more rules, processes and resources, so it’s important to understand how to effectively leverage but also navigate all of these variables. #Influence is key. Know the people who need to be in the boat with you and rely on the benefits of working in the larger organization.

Having a logo can help you get into doors with potential clients, but if you bring value, research, relationships and intel you can break in anywhere.

What key differences would you highlight as pros and cons in working in large vs. small organizations?
