How to Make 2022 Your Best Year Yet – Jeff Kirchick & Carson Heady – Salesman on Fire

Whether coming off a great 2021 and needing a repeat, a poor year needing a rebound, or just struggling now to create momentum, how do you set yourself up for 2022 success?

Dvinci ( leader & author Jeff Kirchick joins Microsoft‘s Carson V. Heady on Salesman on Fire to discuss.

It starts with a plan. Take a look back at what has worked and what hasn’t, and incorporate that knowledge into your strategy.

“Winning is great, but it doesn’t last. What lasts is what you’ve learned.” – John Wooden

How are you going to parlay your learnings and passions into the coming year? What relationships will you need to achieve what you want to, from goals for your role to your career?

If you struggle to get some rhythm, acknowledge the discomfort, pace yourself and perhaps change things up a bit. If you’re stuck in the same scenery daily, perhaps change it up – schedule walking meetings, take a break for a passion, and focus on just landing the step.

2022 is a blank canvas, so – like an exercise routine or starting anything new – go in with a plan, take your time, focus on people and process, and your year will be a masterpiece.
