How Do You Bring Peak Performance Every Day Amidst Uncertainty – Jeff Kirchick & Carson Heady

How do you bring your peak performance day after day, especially amidst change, turmoil or uncertainty?

#Sales VP and author Jeff Kirchick joins Microsoft Director & Salesman on Fire author Carson V. Heady to discuss.

As challenging as it is, don’t get distracted by things out of your control. They can veer you away from fundamentals and process.

Be purpose-driven and execute your daily non-negotiables, with people in your sphere and relationships as the priority.

Practicing mindfulness and being present and in the moment is crucial. Focus on landing the step and showing up as your best self.

Don’t cling to your wins or losses, rather let your learnings inform your strategy and activities so you can apply your best.

Play for love of the game; you won’t always do exactly what you think you want to do, but you can certainly parlay your passions and unique superpowers into your work and tasks in a way that can ignite your motivation.

Nothing good or bad lasts. Give yourself grace, land the step and keep people and process at the heart of everything you do.
