How Can Salespeople Become Top 1% Sellers?

How can #salespeople become top 1% sellers?

Incredible former Google and Microsoft leader Zeeshan Hafeez joins Carson V. Heady for a special discussion.

#Sales is about #relationships – creating and growing them – and leveraging knowledge and stories to #influence.

Amplify the scope of your audience. Understand all of the value you can deliver – and tell the story of what’s possible.

Understand the conversations your clients want to have and make them happen. Communicate and be responsive.

#Success requires consistent execution of process and willingness to adapt. The difference between those who are successful and those who aren’t is merely the willingness to do whatever it takes.

Just like the stock market, you need a diversified portfolio of contacts, methods of engagement and you have to invest consistently over time. If you do, you are guaranteed success.

The right people following the right process = results. Every time.
