Episode Ten is Taking Shape!

I love it when a story seems to suddenly click into place. I started the final episode of the series with a few ideas in mind of what needed to happen and with a pretty good idea of the ending. That ending is partially written now, pending what else might happen that I haven’t discovered yet.

If you’ve kept up with the episodes released so far, you’ll know that some major story lines have already been resolved and some new faces showed up in Episode Nine. How the past connects to the future has come together now and it all fits neatly like a new set of Lego!

What I find fascinating is discovering hints I’ve left in previous episodes for a so far unseen character whom I didn’t have planned. I’ll say no more about that for fear of spoilers!

I think the series will have a satisfying end. Whether the episode is finished by the end of the month as I hoped is yet to be seen. It’s amazing how much time the Christmas holidays take from us for shopping and even just wrapping presents! Real life and family are important to keep up too.

I’m on Episode Seven for my re-reading of the first nine episodes. This puts everything in much more recent memory so that I can work with details established long ago and keep a grasp of continuity.

Chances are I won’t write another post before Christmas so everyone have great holidays, whatever you celebrate! I’ll make a point of giving you an update right after the holiday.