Another great review

I really respect Colleen Chesebro. We’ve been friends for a long time, even though I am not a poet. She took a chance on Once Upon a Time in the Swamp, and shared her thoughts on it.


Here’s another new release I’ve just finished. Click the book image to visit the book on 

From Amazon: Mari and her husband opted for a simple life as farmers. It’s been decades since the world tore itself apart, pitting neighbor against neighbor and family against each other. They were happy in this re-emerging world, until disaster struck.

Mari sets out on a solo quest to avenge the deaths of her family and loss of everything she holds dear. She’s ill equipped for the task, but seems to have time on her hands. Time alone in the wilderness to deal with her personal demons along the way.

She is helped by a few sympathetic elders and a couple of animal companions with lessons Mari can use if she pays attention. Can Mari find justice for her family?

Set in a post apocalyptic, Gulf Coast world, this is a story for fans of the old Spaghetti Westerns.

My Recommendation: I’m not a fan of post apocalyptic stories, but I enjoy what this author writes. I’m so glad I trusted my instincts. I was not disappointed!!

After the brutal murder of Mari’s husband and son, she has one thing on her mind. That is to find the men who murdered her family and avenge their deaths. (Keep reading at the link below)