Working out – December update

Here with a short update to what’s happening with me:

Powerless Book #3 writing continues – I’m now about 1/3 of the way through the first draft and getting back into the lives of the characters and what the story is about. Doing a spot of pruning to get it to a spine width slightly thinner than a house brick, which should also make it flow better for readers. Generally speaking, shorter chapters are the name of the game! [Get the Powerless series on Amazon]

10 book YA series planning – all 10 books outlined! That was fun 😛 But I’m quite taken with the idea for this, and the plan would be to release 1 a month over the course of a year, so if I was to do it, it would require finishing at least the first 7 before launching book #1. And I wouldn’t be launching it until 2020. So there’s that. Definitely something for me to work on in the background and dive into fully after Powerless #3 is done.

The Murder Club – sales tick along and are decent, but I haven’t had Hollywood calling yet. Only kidding, I know that’s not how it works and I’m just happy the first volume is complete and out there. I’m just watching this one for now. I love making comics, but another 18 months on another 100+ page graphic novel isn’t something I intend to do devote myself to if there isn’t the interest for it. Don’t worry though – I still have plenty of stories to tell about these two teenage psychopaths.  [Get The Murder Club on Amazon]

Other Graphic Novel Idea – this is the near future sci-fi tale I mentioned previously. It’s going to need a lot of fleshing out of the world and characters before I can even start thinking about this seriously, but the idea still resonates and keeps coming back to me.

Game ideas – and as always I keep coming up with ideas for videogames. Not just Visual Novel, text-based ones either, but full 3D action-narrative titles that would at least need a team of 80 people to pull off. Still, at least I get to play them in my head – and they’re great 😀
