Why I’m Pro-Life

As you have most likely heard, the Supreme Court has announced the overturn of Roe V Wade. I believe the abortion issue is as divisive and heartbreaking to our country as slavery was (and honestly still is) when we warred against each other. I hate hearing the calls for violence and that friendships have severed over this.

There is a lot about the last few years I have waiting to pour out, but my promise to God when I surrendered my fears and said I’d write for Him was that I’d write what He gives me, when He gives me the okay. And now is the time to share my thoughts on why I am pro-life.

If you know me, I am not a confrontational person, and I’m not sharing to gloat or antagonize my already riled up social network feed. I feel like there is at least one person who is confused and would like to know why do I feel the way I do? And if that’s you, I hope this post gives you something to chew on and absolutely go to God with. How He longs to show you truth about your life and those around you.

Julie Arduini

I am pro-life for a few reasons. You might guess because of my faith in Christ that it is for religion. Not quite. But give me a second.

-I’m pro-life because I was an infertility patient.

I didn’t think much of having a family until I was told I might not be able to. That announcement might as well have been a bolt of lightning piercing my heart. It changed me. And it wasn’t long after I met my now-husband. I wanted nothing more to be a wife and mom. At the time I had chronic pain, debilitating, honestly. Before I even married I took every precaution to give my body the best atmosphere to conceive once I was married.

When I married and we started trying, every month that was a not pregnant just about did me in. Although my story ended with a surgery that healed my pain and enhanced my ability to conceive, I would have adopted. I still have a tug on my heart to foster or at least mentor vulnerable children/teens. I know the infertility community and their arms are open to receive.

-I’m pro-life because I’m an advocate

I worked with senior citizens for a decade and a slice of that job was visiting places that broke my heart. Either the place was a danger to the residents or the residents were abandoned by family and admitted they slept because that was all they had left to do. I will never forget how hard those visits where. When I saw something that put another life in danger, I spoke up. There were advocates in place called ombudsmen who acted on behalf of the residents and their well-being.

I feel life begins at conception, and for that, these humans need an advocate. And I’m willing for that voice to be me. They deserve a safe haven in the womb and out.

I’m pro-life because the Bible is my guide

I am not a religious person. But I am a Christ follower and life is everything to Him. So much so He gave up His life for all our sin. His Word says killing is a sin. Abortion is killing. It is ending the life of a baby. Do I hate women who have made this choice? Do I hate doctors or staff that have participated? No. I believe we are to hate the sin. I hate abortion. I don’t hate the people. I’m a sinner, I just sin differently and we are all in need of forgiveness. But I stand by life.

I’m pro-life because the place women go to for resources is lying to you.

Abortion is big business. BIG. I am a reader and I have read testimonies from those who worked for the biggest organization that provides abortion and have changed their stance and left. Their marketing would lead women to believe they support your situation and want to help.

They could care less about you.

Abortion is an industry with a dark, evil underbelly. Ever hear of andechrome? It’s the secret elixir of the elite and guess where the best comes from? Babies. I believe sooner than later you are going to hear about this in the way that will absolutely devastate the majority of the world. It was never about giving women freedom. It was about making money and selling baby parts. God’s honest truth.

Now look at the pregnancy care centers. They counsel long term and offer resources. You aren’t shuffled in and out and left alone. They fundraise tirelessly so they can have state-of-the-art equipment to show you the precious life inside you and how to best care for yourself and baby. I know women who have had abortions and their experience was not rooted in care. They felt left alone, hastened, and used.

I know there are cases of forced encounters or a chance of something being wrong, and I understand that argument. However, I have read of women who allowed those babies to live under those circumstances. For those who were forced, there are women who gave their babies up for adoption. There are those who raised the children despite the devastating encounter, and those mother/child relationships were amazing.

For those that heard of a diagnosis that could alter the child’s life or mother’s, that’s where my faith comes in. I trust God. If it comes to pass, I have to believe God would equip families. Honestly? I know more families who heard a terrible diagnosis and chose to continue the pregnancy and absolutely nothing came to pass at birth. Everyone was healthy.

I can’t imagine the fear a woman must have when she learns she is expecting and it wasn’t part of her plan. My heart goes out to her. It truly does. But when I’m asked where I sit on the abortion issue, I will always speak for life. It begins at conception. Every human deserves to have a voice. I’m not aware of any woman who celebrates her abortion choice and didn’t suffer emotional and even physical consequences when the place they went to gave zero support. I believe not just in God, but I believe God. And deep in my heart, naïve as I might come across, I believe He will take care of everyone involved when they choose life.

What if I’m wrong? I don’t think I could be seeing my principles are based on His Word. But if by chance I am, my consequences are minor. The bigger question is what if you don’t agree and you’re wrong?

I pray for anyone wanting a little back story found it today.

If you have had an abortion and would like to speak to someone who understands and can help you sort out your feelings, Pregnancy Care/Life centers offer counsel. Do not grieve alone. I know women who received deep emotional healing from their choice by seeking counsel there.