What is it about Campers specifically RVs?

I was chastised once for using the term RV to encompass all sorts of campers besides tent. Tough luck. My camper my rules and if I want to call the darn thing a RV deal with it folks there are many more important issues of the day.
Now that’s off my chest, back to what is it about them. If you follow me you know my rig is called 2HOOTS. Yep, many of us name not only the camper but the truck. Our truck I call Beast or “mine” when hubby and I have a good natured argument about whose name is on the pink slip. Silly man, trucks are for girls. Back to the topic.

She’s a 5th wheel. That means the hitch is in the bed of the truck not pulled by a pin behind. Think like a tractor-trailer. What that does for us is give a more stable type of tow. 5th Wheels don’t tend to sway. They do however “Porpoise”. Think how a porpoise swims the surface in an up and down movement. 

Having a “fiver”, another nick name for it, also gives a lot more room. Since hubby and I plan not only to travel but are looking to Snowbird in Florida we need space. Especially nice is 2Hoots has a bunkhouse. This doubles as my office when there are no grandkids sleeping in the bunks. It also has a tiny extra bathroom attached to it. I can shut the door to the main living area and disappear into my author world.

What else besides being a camper/winter home/office is she? Also the guest house and Lifeboat. She is always ready to hit the road or accommodate overnight guests. 2HOOTS has also been our sanctuary when the lights go out as they are apt to do often in Northern NJ. Sometimes for days and even a week or so. We have a small generator that will run everything but the air conditioners. If you live in the country and aren’t hooked up to town or city water, no power, means no H2O. 

We returned recently from Cape May, NJ for the annual N.J. State Firefighters Convention and will be heading soon to Seneca Falls, NY. My DH is a Christmas fanatic. (He was born on St. Nicholas Day) Seneca Falls is the inspiration for a classic holiday movie. Can you guess which one? If you know put it in the comments and I’ll draw a name from the correct answers for a prize. After spending a few days we’re off to Vermont and camping with friends. Our last trip is to Lancaster, PA, one of our favorite haunts. The fall foliage should be amazing for these outings. 
If we don’t get a spot in Florida this year the sad day will come when we have to winterize the big girl. I hope we get to the sunshine state.
Here are some fun camping facts

  • Over 42 million Americans, 14% of the U.S. population, go camping each year
  • Millennials go camping more than any other age group. They cite a love of outdoor activities, an appreciation of nature, a love of music festivals, and a love of sharing photos on social media as motivations for camping
  • Around 68% of adult campers in the United States are married or living with a partner, which suggests that camping is a family activity
  • Though I’ve done it, no longer is this ole gal doing it but the most popular type of shelter among campers is a tent
  • The average camper travels 190 miles to go camping
  • There are almost 9 million families owning an RV
  • In 1972 RV/MH Hall of Fame opened in Elkhart Indiana. And I’m going there next year.

I hope you enjoyed todays post and found it informative. So until next time-May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
D. V.