Welcome to the Campfire, Wendy Rich Stetson.


Hi Wendy! I’m so glad you popped by today. Let’s get settled with something to sip on while we chat. What can I get for you?
I’m a sweet tea girl.

I happen to have a Cold Brewed Sweet Tea on board. So while I pour a couple of icy ones can you get started and tell us about any camping adventures you’ve had?  

I have camped my whole life, and in fact, a 1979 pop top camper is practically a main character in “Hometown.”  I think my hero is as in love with my heroine’s van as he is with her!  I grew up traveling the country in a VW poptop, and now my husband, daughter and I take epic road trips and tent camp.  I have to say…I have my eye on some campers.  The ground feels a little harder than it did twenty years ago!  I think we’ll soon be ready to upgrade.  I love a vintage teardrop camper and there are some pretty sweet little rigs made by Happier Camper.

I’m with you about on the ground. Also, last weekend was a bit of a rainfest in the Pocono’s. The tent campers around us packed it in early. I don’t blame them. One year my bestie, Tina, and I camped in Wallenpaupack PA and ended up in the car for the night when the tent leaked and the trench we’d dug overflowed. I hear you have a new release. Can you tell us about your latest project?
My debut novel, Hometown, is a sweet and clean, small-town Amish romance.  Just out of acting school and twiddling my thumbs as I waited for the phone to ring, I saw an episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show featuring romance writers.  “I could do that,” I thought, every bit as naïve as I was to think a starring role on Broadway would land on my doorstep, wrapped in shiny paper and tied up with a satin bow.  Still, inspired by those Oprah writers with the often-heard advice to “write what I knew” I came up with a simple premise: what would happen if a girl moved back to her hometown in central Pennsylvania and fell in love with an Amish guy.  Twenty years and endless edits later…Hometown is finally making its way into the hands of readers.

The words of Marie Curie come to mind, “I was taught the way of progress is neither swift nor easy.” I think as published  authors, perseverance is a must have character trait. That said, how are you persevering as an authorDo you have something else you’re working on? 
I’m currently working on book 2 in The Hearts of the Ridge Series, Heartsong Hills.

Do you have a tagline or life motto? 
Just before the doors close on the New York City subway, the announcer says, “step in and stand clear.”  Something about that direction always rings true to me.  Jump in with both feet and don’t let the door hit you on the backside!

I love that! Who are your inspirations for writing? Or would you like to give a shout-out to anyone or their books? (see Oprah answer above)

Life Hacks for Authors. Do you have any tips, tricks, or anything you specialize in that you would share with others? 
An author’s best friend is her crock pot!  Dump in all the ingredients for a hearty chili in the morning, and by dinner time, you’ll feel like the elves came in and made you a delicious meal!

Yes! I have two one big for having folks over and one small just for Pete and I.

Now the fun questions 

  1. If you could only choose one song to play every time you walked into a room for the rest of your life, what would it be? “Your Smiling Face” by James Taylor.  I love it so much, I’ve even included it in my next book!
  2. What weird talent do you have? I’m crazy good at catching things that fall out of overhead cabinets when I open the doors.  Our NYC apartment has very little space for food storage.  Every time I swing open a door, a can of spray oil or a container of salt catapults from the top shelf.  My reflexes have definitely sharpened.
  3. If you could eat anything in the world right now, what would it be? My daughter makes a killer peanut butter cake with peanut butter frosting.  I’d eat it morning, noon, and night if I could.
  4. Worst household chore?  I hate cleaning out the drain after doing the dishes!  It gives me the willies!  Second to that is cleaning the peanut butter out of the jar before tossing it in recycling.  YUCK!
  5. Would you rather have unlimited international first-class tickets or never have to pay for food at restaurants?  This is such a good question.  One thousand percent the tickets!  I am 5’10” and my husband is 6’1”, and airplane seats just aren’t made for us.  I don’t need the champagne or the newspapers or any of that stuff.  Just give me legroom!  On a trip to France several years ago, we were making the long walk out of the plane from coach, and we passed through first class.  My daughter looked at the large, comfy seats and said, “Ohhhh, this is where the old people sit.”  If only that were true!
  6. Most campers play board games. What games do you like? We are a huge gaming family.  Current favorites are Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride, Unstable Unicorns, and our House Rules Uno which usually involves a lot of shouting and hilarity.

We just played Uno with our grandkids. So much fun! Wendy, thanks for joining us at the Campfire. Before you leave, can you give us a taste of your writing and maybe where to find out more about Hometown and you?


Wendy Rich Stetson

When Tessa’s big-city plans take the A Train to disaster, she lands in her sleepy hometown, smack in the middle of the most unlikely love triangle ever to hit Pennsylvania’s Amish Country.
Hot-shot Dr. Richard Bruce is bound to Green Ridge by loyalty that runs deep. Deeper still is Jonas Rishel’s tie to the land and his family’s Amish community. Behind the wheel of a 1979 camper van, Tessa idles at a fork in the road. Will she cruise the superhighway to the future? Or take a slow trot to the past and a mysterious society she never dreamed she’d glimpse from the inside?

Really? You need further encouragement?
Okay, here’s a review from N. N. Light  VINE VOICE
5.0 out of 5 stars Such a fantastic reading experience from start to finish!
Hometown is a heartwarming, emotional story about finding your path, following your heart and falling in love. The theme of small town versus big city plays a big role in Hometown, as does discovering where you want to be in life. What you thought you wanted may not be where you end up.

Get your copy today at
Barnes and Noble 

And find out more about Wendy at these links
Website: www.wendyrichstetson.com
Social Media Links
Twitter: https://twitter.com/StetsonRiches
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WendyRichStetsonRomance
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wendyrichstetson_author/?hl=en
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/wendy_stetson/_saved/