Welcome to the Campfire Lyndi Alexander

 Today’s guest is author Lyndi Alexander who always dreamed of faraway worlds and interesting alien contacts. She lives as a post-modern hippie in Asheville, North Carolina, a single mother of her last child of seven, a daughter on the autism spectrum, who finds that every day feels a lot like first contact with a new species. Welcome Lyndi. What’s your preference, coffee, tea, cocoa, wine? The camp fridge is like the Starship Enterprise. You speak it, you get it.
You have anything in the way of a hard cider? Maybe something with havafruit?

Hava I got a fruit for you. 😂 While I convince the camp fridge I’m serious why don’t you tell us about and adventures you’ve had
I do like camping. We used to camp in the Florida Keys a lot while I was a reporter and then a law student in Miami. I’ll never forget the case of Pennoyer v. Neff, now that I read it going over the Seven Mile Bridge (and I hate bridges!)  It was always a good time…and I love the smell of an outdoor wood fire. Like yours.

I know, right? Can’t top the charm of a wood fire crackling away, however I can do without the “smoke-eye” We haven’t made it to the Keys yet but they are on my to-do list. So, tell us about your latest project and what’s on the horizon. 
 Sixshooter is the latest to come out, a science fiction romance set in a galaxy only far away, not far FAR away.
I’ve been thinking about writing this book for five or six years, but various other writing commitments have put it off. The concept comes from an old RPG I used to play in, and a love triangle that was created. Nik, our genderfluid alien, however, is a new addition. The actual writing and editing took about six months. All that rumination must haver given me a jump start!

LOL! Love the reference. Do you have a tagline? Life Motto?
The tagline for the book is Like space, love has no boundaries.
My personal motto is “Pee first.” Especially as I get older. 😊 

Are there any mentors, authors, or books you would like to give a shout-out to?  
Very grateful to the other authors in my critique group, the Fellowship of the Quill in Erie, PA. Talented, open, honest and supportive—they’re a great bunch

Oh, I love the Erie area. We’ve camped near there and look forward to doing it again. What does literary success look like to you?
Geez, I’d really like to have some regular royalties come in. I used to be all “Oh, I just hope people like my books!” But at some point, I think some monetary success would be great. 

Amen to that sister. I am now officially retired and would be grateful for supplementary income. Do you have any Life Hacks?  You know, tips, tricks, or anything you specialize in that you would share with others. I’m also interested in how you have been managing your life and writing with COVID-19.
For me, the only good thing that came out of the pandemic was the movement of my crit group onto ZOOM. Since I moved to Asheville, NC, I have missed their support and great feedback—and suddenly it was there  again! They’ll be going back to in person meetings this summer, and we’re hoping to keep some form of ZOOM participation alive. A good critique group is invaluable, in my opinion. Every writer should find one.
Now the fun questions 
Do you have a special object like a piece of jewelry or keepsake of some sort? Can you tell us what makes it special to you?
I have a polished stone with a spider inscribed on it I got in Taos, New Mexico. I have always thought of the spider as my spirit animal—a spinner of tales!—and so I keep it near on the desk always.

What is your favorite mug or teacup?
Last year one of my daughters bought mugs that said “Best Mom Ever!” for me and for her sisters who are moms, then coordinated photos of all of them for Mother’s Day. It was so very special.

If you were an animated character, who would you be and why? 
If I were animated….hmm. I’d leave behind my broken physical body….so I think I’d be the Tasmanian Devil. My mind is always going faster than I can make this body work, so I could really keep the two spinning madly, simultaneously.

What do you think the headlines will read 40 years from now?
I really wish the headline would read that we have conquered climate change, that humans have learned to be kind and respect each other, and that someone has found an unlimited resource of good coffee. Sadly, humans being what they are, I’m afraid the headlines will be blaming one faction or another for the downslide of humanity and the environment. ☹

If you could only choose one song to play every time you walked into a room for the rest of your life, what would it be?
DEFINITELY the Imperial March (Darth Vader’s theme) from Star Wars

Favorite childhood book?  
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle

Lyndi, thank you so much for stopping by and spending time with us today. Before you leave and you give us a peek at your book and where to find out more?


Lyndi Alexander

Valeni Pascual wants to be free to make a living hauling cargo with her spaceship and to understand the shapeshifting alien who presents sometimes as the steamy male Nik and other times as the blonde bombshell Nikki.
As a rebel insurgence builds against the oppressive government known as the Agency, Valeni and Nik/Nikki encounter a sexy Terran cowboy named Garrett Rawls. Since being pulled into this region of space by another mysterious wormhole, Garrett has looked for a way to return to Earth. After meeting Valeni and Nikki, he might have found something worth staying for.
 However, dark forces may have a much bigger picture in mind for all of them. Valeni, Nik/Nikki, and Garrett are pulled into a life and death fight that lays bare all of their secrets and their desires. Will they lose everything as the battle against the Agency rages around them or can love pull them through?

SIXSHOOTER [©2021] A Horizon Crossover series novel by Lyndi Alexander | Cover Art by Kat Hardy | Science Fiction Romance (R) 280 pages / 100,000 words | Available in ebook and print from the DFP Books label of Dragonfly Publishing

Print editions are available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and more. Find ebooks at retailers, lending libraries, and subscription services, including: Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Blio, Kobo Books, Open Library, Overdrive, Scribd, Smashwords, and more.

Author Links
Website  and Blog      https://lyndialexander.wordpress.com/
Facebook                    https://www.facebook.com/lyndialexander13/
Goodreads                   https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4185290.Lyndi_Alexander
Amazon Author Page
Bookbub:                    https://www.bookbub.com/profile/lyndialexander
Smashwords | Lyndi Alexander    https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/lyndialexander