Welcome to my World: Writing Life

I love November! Sure, it’s my birthday, but there’s more to it than that. Family gatherings with delicious-tasting food are high on my list of living a good life. November is a prime month for giving thanks for our good health, many blessings, and sharing time with friends and family. 

As the clock ticks off, the time spiraling into a new year, I want to invite you to become a member of my ARC (Advance Readers Group). You’ll receive a PDF of my new novels before they’re published. Your feedback is welcomed and will play an important role in the final copy. 

Joining this group is easy. Click the link below to learn more. The first ten people to signup will receive a Kindle version of my latest thriller: The Death of Me, book 1, Legacy Series

Reviewers Welcome

Wishing each of you a safe and happy November 2022, Carolyn Bowen