Welcome to Camp, Terry Korth Fischer

​Good morning (or afternoon)Campers! I’m so glad you joined us at the fire today. Before I get to today’s special guest I want to give a big shout-out to my DH Peter. We’re celebrating 27 years of blissful marriage. Never had a fight. Never got mad at each other. Never stormed out of a room. I write fiction, can’t you tell. Marriage has it’s ups and downs but I wouldn’t trade one minute of it. Here’s to the next 23. We have a 50 year contract and then reenter negotiations. LOL. 


Now without further ado please help me welcome a new friend to the Campfire. Hi, Terry. I’m so glad you could join us today. What can I get for you? You make a wish and voila, you get it.
A huge mug of stout java would be great. 

Hmm, I’m going to grab the French Press and work on that while you tell us, about your favorite adventure or vacation. What made it special to you?
At my age, I no longer go camping, but in my twenties, backpacking was my favorite kind of vacation. The most memorable was the time a gigantic brown bear ambled into camp. He pulled our backpacks from the tree where they hung and shredded them while we cowered in the tent. We spent thirty minutes of sheer terror. Needless to say, it was the last of our big-time outdoor adventures. 

Bearly made it out did you? Ha see what I did there? LOL. Well, I’m glad you emerged unscathed to share wit us about your latest project and what’s on the horizon.
I released Gone Astray in February. In this mystery Detective Rory Naysmith has relocated to a small town in Nebraska. He’s fifty-years-old, a heart attack survivor, and sets out to prove he still has what it takes to do the job. Soon he’s deep into the investigation of three cases: the murder of a Vietnam veteran, the disappearance of a senior citizen, and a series of mysterious big-rig hijackings. And then it gets worse; the town wonders if they’ve hired the right man. I’m not offering any spoilers other than, I’m working on Rory’s next adventure. I hope to have the second novel finished this summer. 

Sounds exciting. I also love the older seasoned character’s Do you have a tagline? Life Motto? “Nothing is obvious to the uninformed.” I love that. When you can’t imagine failure, how hard can any task be? 

That is so true. How long did it take you from conception to publication? People are always curious about that.
I started writing Gone Astray in 2014. I have to admit the novel went through numerous revisions, including a change in protagonist, and much self-doubt. But it is definitely Rory’s story and I’m glad I discovered that before seeking publication. 

Write, write, and re write. The story of my life. Are there any mentors or authors you would like to give a shout-out to?
I belong to two critique groups; their input was and remains priceless. Thanks, Dixie, Lenora, Teresa, and Liz. 

What does literary success look like to you?
I think success is measured differently by every author. For me, it’s the feeling of accomplishment, to set out with a task and finish it. That the result of my work brings entertainment to others, is a bonus. 

Do you have any tips, tricks, or anything you specialize in that you would share with others. I’m also interested in how you have been managing your life and writing with COVID-19.
Writing requires reading. As awful as the past year and COVID-19 has been for all of us, it gave me guilt-free time to indulge in both.

Now the fun questions 
Do you have a special object like a piece of jewelry or keepsake of some sort? Can you tell us what makes it special to you? I have a black and white snapshot of my grandmother as a teenager. In it she has her head thrown back in laughter. It makes me happy to imagine her as a carefree teen.

What’s your favorite candy, cookie, pasta?  Smarties™ are my favorite candy. Disclosure…they don’t really work.

Favorite childhood book? I don’t have a favorite, but I loved—make that devoured—The Hardy Boys books.

What’s your go-to coffee order? Any dark-roast with plenty of room for cream.

What’s the last thing you googled? Why? For my W-I-P, I needed to learn the rules for visiting an inmate at a maximum prison. Who knew how stringent these institutions are regulated?
Ha, I do! I worked in a prison for ten years and my DH for 25. Terry, thank you so much for stopping by the fire and sharing about your life and work. Would you please leave us with a bit more about where we can find you and Det. Rory? 


Gone Astray
Terry Korth Fischer

​A heart attack sends detective Rory Naysmith reeling. Too young to retire, he accepts a position in small-town Winterset, Nebraska. Handed an unsolved truck hijacking case, with the assistance of a rookie, Rory sets out to prove he is still able to go toe-to toe with younger men. When the body of a Vietnam veteran turns up, he dons his fedora and spit-shines his shoes. But before he can solve the murder, an older woman disappears, followed closely by a second hijacking. He doggedly works the cases, following a thread that ties the two crimes together.  But can Rory find the mental and physical strength to up his game and bring the criminals to justice before disaster strikes and he loses his job?

More about Terry
From Cash Register Programmer to WriterI began writing short stories in 1996. My sister, Holly, with a degree in creative writing from Ohio’s Bowling Green State University, offered a fiction writing challenge.  A short story a month for a year, to share and critique.  We imposed monthly deadlines to force putting pen to paper while life’s demands left few hours to pursue writing aspirations. At the time, I was submerged in a technology career and happy to participate in the joint, creative distraction. 
Over the years I have attended writer conferences, participated in writing groups, and joined literary organizations. I’ve signed-up for on-line classes and led writing workshops. What started as a lark, took on a life of its own. From the initial challenge conception, twenty years ago, I continue to enjoy the daily ritual of creative writing. 

Website: https://terrykorthfischer.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/terryiswriting
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerryIsWriting
Amazon Author Page: www.amazon.com/author/terrykorthfischer