Weekend Writing Warriors Sunday Snippet

It’s Weekend Writing Warriors Sunday snippet again – don’t forget to check out the other lovely authors on the website!

Welcome to my blog. I’ve been posting snippets from my Scottish dual timeline novel, The Highland Lass. The first was from a historical chapter where Highland Mary becomes aware of Robert Burns. The second snippet was from the first chapter of the contemporary section when Eilidh meets Lewis Grant.

This week, I’m offering another little snippet from both periods of the novel. In the first, Mary Campbell (Highland Mary) has now received the attention of the poet. In the contemporary snippet, Eilidh Campbell has thawed towards her handsome travelling companion.



His speech is not as rough as the other lads and I remember he is a man of some education as well as being a farmer. He is determined to have me answer him. I look up, into eyes that are mischievous with laughter, and possibly admiration. What maid could resist attention from such a man?


She noticed his deep blue eyes and slightly greying black hair that betrayed his Celtic heritage, as well as his vaguely unshaven look, relaxed manner and seeming good humour. She smiled despite herself.

“Thanks, it’s kind of you to care.” This time she was rewarded by a devastating lopsided smile.

“Lewis Grant. Pleased to meet you.”

I’m featured on Nancy Jardine’s blog this week if you want to find out more about the historical background to The Highland Lass!
