Was Alpha the best part of ‘Tell, Serve, Give’ in Warrington this week?

What is Alpha doing in Tell, Serve, Give?

Alpha is just one of the many events put on this week from the 6th to the 10th March, in Warrington and many other parts of the North West. I wrote about this generally in a previous blog. I hope you’ve found something that was right for you.

What is Alpha?

It is a ten-week course on the Christian faith. You don’t need ten weeks off work. It’s ten sessions, usually in an evening or late afternoon. It’s interactive. There’s a video of about twenty minutes where someone, or more than one, talks about a particular aspect of Christianity, such as God, Jesus, the Bible, the Church, Miracles…

Then there’s a discussion where everyone gets to saying what he/she thinks about the questions raised in the video and to ask their own questions. Someone leads it, but only  to keep everyone on the same question, not to insist on a right answer. The idea is for each person to discover their own answer for themselves.

What’s the best bit of Alpha?

Food! There’s usually a meal at the start of each session. As each local group is a bit autonomous, I can’t promise what’s going to be on offer this time. If you’re concerned, check beforehand.

If Alpha is 10 weeks, how could it fit into a four day event?

Simples. What we had on Friday was one-off taster session so you could decide whether you want to do the full version. Even if you decided that it’s not for you, the one-off might have given you something to think about. Or you might have given everyone else something to think about!

What if you missed the Alpha event?

Or what if you don’t live anywhere near Warrington? There are Alpha courses all over the country. Look at the website.

Bring your doubts. They need exploring as much as your faith.

Doubt and Faith: Alpha is a way of exploring both.
Doubt and Faith: Alpha is a way of exploring both.

The post Was Alpha the best part of ‘Tell, Serve, Give’ in Warrington this week? appeared first on John Harvey Murray.