Variety in Writing

The below blog was a combination of an assignment given to me by my Hi-Lo writing coach (a Hi-Lo series is for struggling readers in K-12 grade levels meaning high-interest, low readability). I was tasked to write anything tongue-in-cheek with a tad of sarcasm while also keeping it real. I decided to combine this assignment with this blog post—I love writing that works on multiple levels! At this point, we aren’t looking for readability level—just content on if it’s tongue-in-cheek enough. I’ll let all of you decide!

Written word keeping time

Always meant to unwind

Taken aback from his last breath

Dread it all—if I have to, I MUST say Death.

Any of you may read the above and call it a poem, a joke, philosophy, fortune cookie fortune, wisdom, cynicism, meditative chant turned wrong, comedy, drama, or tragedy. I mean, it all is determined by your background, your outlook on life, as well as all those no-no topics we try to stay away from (i.e., politics, religion, race—that which divides us unlike our humanity unites us—I digress as that leans too left—being a little too like Kennedyesque—insert winky-face emoji here for the youth).

See what I did there? Words can do many things and evoke many emotions and reactions. Some of you may have felt a pull within finding some of that written word offensive—it hit home to you and created anger or even a red-colored fury to rise within your pupils. While others may be sitting tongue-in-cheek with that smart-alec-y grin pasted on your faces (like Fiona Apple much?) Others could be grumbling, “Don’t quit your day job, lady!” as they click the X mark to close this . . . (“they are gone,” she says, staring straight into the darkness –“CUT End Scene!” cried the panicked director glancing furiously at his watch making sure they don’t go overtime again! It will be his job this time, and he can’t afford that. Not with the child support he owes to four wives, the five debts he carries, and the cool five grand he just lost on that last horse race—how could he have known Lucky 7 was full-on irony—no, really, it was a horse called Full On Irony).

See what I did there? I took you on another trip through a tunnel of thoughts and imagery with words. Some people wonder what I write. That title up there. The one in the

Center margin

Variety—that’s what I write. Educational blogs, articles, books—working on a K-12 book on teaching writing for a press while also writing a Hi-Lo series while working on culinary cozy series and psych thriller script—my first time learning the full ins-and-outs of screenwriting—I’m about eight months in and I’m still stumped—everyone pray, chant, meditate, or nothing for me—that is serious—not sarcastic—I don’t judge—whoever, whatever, nothing you believe is great with me—as long as you find peace and happiness.

Here’s hoping some of you enjoyed the tunnel of my writing mind!

Writing to Market

What do I write? Is that the right question? Why do I write? That seems good. Waxing philosophical. How do I write? Hmmm… so the chicken does come before the egg. I knew it all along.

I hope this audience loves cheezy (as in Cheez-Its) jokes—if not, then maybe something a bit darker—moodier even. Light from the sunrays bore down into her Vantablackiest of souls. This cast the neon creature from her cells into motion causing a disco ball of lights bouncing throughout her now soothing, comforting soul. Wow-that turned from dark to light mood ring colors immediately.

Now, that’s what I call A Variety in Writing.

A Little About Me:

Moving into her second decade working in education, Jodi Rath has decided to begin a life of crime in her The Cast Iron Skillet Mystery Series. Her passion for mysteries and education led her to combine the two to create her business MYS ED. She splits her time working as an adjunct for Ohio teachers and creating mischief in her fictional writing. She currently resides in a small, cozy village in Ohio with her husband and her eight cats. Learn more at

Punkin Strudel Mayhem – The Cast Iron Skillet Mystery Series

It is a Spooktacular time for Jolie and Ava as they have their hands’ full catering Leavensport’s annual Halloween Pumpkin Bash. When Ava convinces Jolie to get their fortunes told by a visiting psychic, they receive an ominous prediction.

“Masks–literal and figurative, chaos, deceit, betrayal, death. The cards have spoken.”

Madame Esme Emerald’s fortunes are looking more like premonitions of doom. It seems that someone in Leavensport received a reading that did not sit well because Madame Emerald is found dead, and it looks like her crystal ball is the murder weapon—or is something more supernatural going on?

Bounty-Full Investigative Services is on the case, or is it more of a paranormal manifestation? This could be a first for the girls as they take on the underworld’s spirits.

Welcome to Leavensport, Ohio, where DEATH takes a DELICIOUS turn!

Release Date: 10/29/21
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The post Variety in Writing appeared first on Debra H. Goldstein.