Try the “Writers Helping Writers” Website

Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi have created Writers Helping Writers — a resource with dozens of tools and motivational articles for writes (published and unpublished) at all stages of their careers. From their blog to bookstore, the topics and tools are timely and to the point.

I enjoy learning. As I finish a project, I look for a new book or web resource to charge my writing batteries. Amazon carries the Writers Helping Writers Thesaurus series, many of which deal with character development and setting. I had seen these, but didn’t realize how much more the authors provided on  the website.

The website has a tools section with downloadable articles on writing as a career, characters, revising work, setting, using emotion in writing and many more. Check out links to podcasts.

Some resources are free, others such as writing software or consultations require fees. I can’t do the site justice. If you are also into lifelong learning, have a look.

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