Top Ten Things You Might Not Know about Peter J. White & The Ghost Hunter Series


When the ghostly victims
of a small-town crime lord find him, ex-special forces soldier Max Sinclair
realizes the only road to peace is to serve them the justice they crave. But the Bannister clan
has tentacles that reach from Eastern Washington into Mexico, trafficking women
across the border and into their brothels. Haunted by visions of the dead, Max
burns a swath through the Bannister empire, doing his best to set the dead free,
but odds are he’ll be joining them before he’s done. The Hollow Men is the first novel in the Ghost Hunter
series about a vigilante who sees the dead—Max Sinclair. Haunted by visions and
longing for justice and redemption, Max hunts down evil incarnate—his soul
hanging in the balance as he walks the line between the dark and the light.


Top Ten Things You Might Not Know about
J. White & The Ghost Hunter Series

1) I lived in Thailand 1984-1990; this has
informed almost everything I’ve written since.
2) I started out writing screenplays (almost all horror) and am currently
turning my
screenplays into novels. In fact, the first screenplay I wrote for my Master’s
the Ghost Hunter series.
3) The Ghost Hunter series is inspired by true events. I’ve also created a version of the experience that features Max Sinclair.

4) I grew up in SE Alaska. Sitka, to be precise.
5) Max Sinclair is based on a real guy, a friend of mine.
6) I was a kickboxer for 10 years and had my first kickboxing fight at the age
of 55.5
against a 24-year-old. (I kicked his ass.)
7) I climbed Mount Rainier twice.
8) My father was a general surgeon and pilot. He had a Pitts Special in which
he flew
complicated aerobatic routines. When he was 80 years old, he took me up and did
such a rigorous routine I passed out.
9) I have a video of him shooting a charging bear dead.
10) Every arcane and supernatural practice in the Ghost Hunter series is based
on true
events. My website and newsletter provide more insight into these.
11) (bonus) I answer every email I get.


Peter J. White was
born in Colorado and raised in SE Alaska. He has degrees in Education, French,
and an MFA in Creative Writing. He taught ELL in Bangkok, Thailand for six
years, and currently teaches high school English in Washington State. Hobbies,
past and present, include writing, bicycling, mountain climbing, kickboxing,
MMA, and yoga.

