Today in The Loft: Canadian Author Patricia Bates!

Joining me today in The Loft is Canadian author Patricia Bates. Patricia writes historical romance, romantic suspense, and contemporary suspense. She has authored two bestsellers, “Master’s Mistress” and “Spanish Flame.” Her writing style reflects her passion for history and strong independent characters with strength and integrity and their own unique flaws.

Author Patricia Bates

S:   Good morning, Patricia! Thanks for joining me today.

Why did you become a writer?

P:  This is a difficult question to answer because I have never not written. I started writing very early in life and was always writing poetry, short stories, novels. It was a way for me to express myself and entertain myself, too.

S:  I think many writers can identify with that. Writing has always been my preferred mode of communication.

What attracts you to the romance genre?

P:  Who doesn’t love a good love story? Romance is probably one of the first genres I was reading regularly.

S:  What’s the best/worst thing that has ever happened to you as a writer?

P:  The best would have to be hearing from my readers and having them ask me to write more. The worst would be my one-star review—before I learned to let them roll off my back.

S:  Ah, those darn reviews. We love to hate them and hate to love them, but I suspect more than one author has been influenced by them.

Have you ever “shelved” a book?

P:  Three so far. I liked them, but they weren’t true to my voice or the characters themselves wouldn’t speak to me. If I struggle too much with a book, I shelve it. I may come back later.

S:  As hard as it is to shelve a book, when it becomes a challenge to write, sometimes it’s best to set it aside and move on.

What’s the best advice you have ever given?

P:  Write what you want. Don’t worry about writing what everyone else does. Your voice is your own.

S:  What do you want to be inscribed on your tombstone?

P:  She was never afraid to dream.

S:  What inspired “Chains of Rome?”

P:  “Chains of Rome” was born of my love of history and watching too many Roman programs.

S:  Is there anything you would like readers to know about “Chains of Rome?”

P:  It was a lot of fun to write. It’s dark and gritty and full of twists and turns.

Here’s the blurb–

Born a slave Salaria has served her mistress, Roman noblewoman Icilia, from childhood. Skilled with medicines and potions, she’s served as both her body slave and healer. From her position at Icilia’s side Salaria’s bore witness to countless indiscretions.

To protect herself and the slave children of the villa, Salaria has kept her mistress’s secrets safe. When she unwittingly humiliates Icilia, Salaria is punished severely and thrown out of the house and into the slave quarters attached to the barn.

Her fate–to serve the men training to be gladiators.

Recently taken from the battlefield war chieftain Tritus has no love of Rome. His hatred deepens when he sees how Salaria, a spirited yet compassionate woman, is treated. T protect her Tritus begins to train her as a gladiator.

But the longer they’re together, the more they yearn for each other. In Tritus, Salaria finds a man of honor, of integrity who sees her as an equal. A man who doesn’t fear her or want to crush her beneath his heel. Love, however, is a luxury no slave can afford.

Pushed together for survival, they find themselves drawn to each other. But their futures are uncertain and one slip could mean they’re torn from each other’s arms forever.

Can they survive the fight for freedom and their hearts in the face of dark secrets and deep betrayals?

**Content Warning–Contains graphic scenes of violence, sex, and gore.

S:  That sounds pretty intense! Where can readers buy “Chains of Rome?”

P:  It’s available at major booksellers, including–

S:  Patricia, thanks so much for joining me today. If you’d like to learn more about Patricia, please visit–