The Flower Shop That Sells Coffins!

“I walked as far as the flower shop that sells coffins, and then came back,” said my grandson, while we were staying recently.

Some of us were rather bemused by this enigmatic statement, but his mother knew immediately what he was referring to. “He walked as far as the funeral parlour,” she explained to us in little more than a whisper.

I loved his naivety. He saw flowers. He saw coffins. We tend to shy away because we know that our turn awaits us. So what?! – I know that I have eternal life, because that’s what Jesus says in the Bible about those who trust in him,

and because my whole life changed in quality when I first put my trust in Him,

and because it keeps getting better as I walk with Him,

and because He has already risen from the dead to show us that it’s all true.

But I am still amused at the expression, ‘The flower shop that sells coffins’.