Thank you – London Writers’ Salon and 1000’s of co-writers

I have written about the ‘London Writers’ Salon’s’ daily zoom sessions many times on this blog. Today, I get to reveal the ‘Acknowledgement’ within my forthcoming book that officially ‘thanks’ all the wonderful people involved: organisers, session hosts and my fellow co-writers from around the world, who I sit alongside each day and write or edit. 

I literally have thousands of co-workers who make me accountable for my actions as we attend ‘the office’ together at 8am. Though it isn’t always 8am GMT time, as ‘the entire office’ attends various 8am in specific time zones around the globe. And thankfully, we never discuss last night’s TV at the water cooler!

Dreams do come true – keep showing up, writing and plodding on!

​For more information – London Writers’ Salon: press here