#SaturdayStarter Alpha Revealed

#SaturdayStarter features one story, specifically the beginning of the story. The beginning of the book will be shared along with the book blurb and where you can find the book in case the opening piques your interest. Happy reading!

As the world detonated around him and the flashes of light exploded before his eyes, he transported, albeit briefly, to one of countless battles. For centuries much too long to remember, he had fought. One battle blurred into the next, with another on the horizon. So many battlefields. So much death. Destruction and brutality at every scene. And he was always in the midst of it. Merciless and ruthless.  

Vladimir Starikovich had executed many enemies over hundreds of centuries. Killed again and again until the blood and death were forever stamped upon his being. There was no other way of life for him. He had become pure predator, a bringer of death.

His life was dark, dangerous. No place for light or love. It made for a lonely life, for he could not share his burdens with another.

Book Blurb: Natasha Peterhoff is the luckiest vampire in the world. Having pined over the sexy, but aloof Vladimir Starikovich for centuries, her feelings are reciprocated when the pair are drawn to each other the night of her brother’s wedding. Unfortunately, the stark light of day dawns, and the couple parts ways.

Back in Siberia, Vlad is overcome by doubts. Not only will Natasha’s brother kill him, but his own past is reason enough to keep her away. He vows to do everything in his power to keep her safe, even it if means never seeing her again.

With so many reasons to stay apart, will the ties that bind be strong enough to pull them together?

Buy Links:

Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Brenda-Sparks/e/B00B7AJBBQ

iBooks https://books.apple.com/us/author/brenda-sparks/id643137043

Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/%22Brenda%20Sparks%22;jsessionid=2F4221ED16638F18E041B57F9FB22853

Kobo https://www.kobo.com/us/en/search?query=brenda%20sparks&fcsearchfield=Author