Reviewing Books

I listen to audiobooks most often but sometimes a book comes along that I just have to read and kindle works best for me. Two of these reviews are from the kindle format. Judging by the choice of these three reviews, you can see where my heart lies. All were read and reviewed by me on Audible, GoodReads, and Amazon. What was the last book you read, enjoyed, and reviewed? Please consider these three great reads.

I’m finding I like everything I read by this author. The Bridled Tongue by Catherine Meyrick was hard to put down. Alyce Bradley was a young girl whose frank observation of life got her in trouble with her family. As she grew, her honesty led her into bigger trouble. Sent away to learn how a young woman should behave, she returned after the death of the dowager… no more cultured or stifled than she was before she left. She was treated more as maid servant and kept to herself. The historical aspects of this time and place were so well described I could see and feel some of the horrible experiences Alyce went through. Sure to get your blood boiling over the  injustice done to poor Alyce, it’s a wonder anyone survived those times. A romance and a trial will keep you turning pages.

  • Audiobook Hearts In Flight by Patty Smith Hall is a great romance set in a historical setting in US history. I enjoyed this story learning about one more facet of women’s contribution to the war effort and the prejudices she had to overcome. Margaret Rose was always different and when her focus turned from crop duster to a member of the Women’s Army Special Pilots her family wished otherwise. When harrowing experiences and a chance for love and marriage arise, she proves she can have it all. Narration was good.
  • First time with this author. I have a personal connection to this time in history since my mother was a war bride. It allowed my mind to drift and remember some of the many stories my mother shared with me.
True Heroism
Agustina de Aragon
by Gail Meath I loved this book. The beginning and ending were treated in an unusual way that affected the entirely of the book. A romance featuring a true life historical heroine during the Napoleonic War in Spain. Tragedy and triumph fill the pages. I look forward to reading more from this author.