Organising the New Year

Apart from after the summer holidays, this is my favourite time of year for getting organised for the months ahead. I don’t make resolutions, or even concrete plans, but I do like to clear up and tidy out desk drawers, files and photos.

I also write a rough list of what I hope to finish during the year (it’s usually finish because of all the things I start and don’t complete!). This year, it includes the following (hopefully):

  • completing a novella for spring
  • finishing a novel by summer (to pitch at the RNA conference) that’s been on the go too long
  • developing/continuing with the first of a new series of novels in a different genre
  • more articles for The Highlander Magazine in the US
  • more short stories for the PF and other markets/comps (if inspired enough)
  • sending out another couple of children’s stories
  • rewriting/submitting more poetry
  • keeping up with promotion/marketing opportunities for the books already published

I’ve already republished just about all of my books now, with new website details inside and putting them into print – only a couple to go. I’d also like to make better use of the lovely Creativity Journal daughter gave me last Christmas as it fell by the wayside last year.

Obviously the novels (and even novella) take up the bulk of time, for writing, thinking and researching, but I do enjoy shorter forms of creativity in between.

If I didn’t write with pen and paper in a café at least once a week, and on my train journeys to Glasgow or Edinburgh, I wouldn’t get nearly as much done! It must partly be due to being away from the computer. I refuse to use a smart phone of any kind with Internet connection as I know myself too well (being tempted to look at social media instead of writing) so I’ll hang on to my trusty old Nokia for a while yet – at least it has a camera.

Hope your own plans for the writing year ahead are taking shape.