Networking for writers.

Hello everyone. I’m going to be getting back to regular blogging after having to stop for a while due to writing deadlines. I’ll be posting my Monday Marketing blog with 3 quick tips every week and will also be featuring some other authors, with their own marketing advice, or book news.

I hope you’ve all been well. I was so happy to be invited onto BBC Essex and hosted the AuthorsAt… book signing, with 26 authors and lots of other writing professionals. We were lucky enough to have around 300 guests. We ran workshops throughout the afternoon with Southend Council and had the book signing in the evening.  I also ran my first seminar on networking for writers as part of The Essex Book Festival at Chelmsford Library, last weekend. It was sold out and the guests were brilliant. They asked lots of questions and I learnt about their work too. I’m being requested to do more and more seminars, which is a learning curve for me as I’m usually sitting behind my writing desk and chatting to my book characters!

Have an amazing week everyone.


Photo from the seminar via D. Wells.

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