NaNoWriMo – day 13


Week 3 of NaNo begins tomorrow, which in previous year’s has proven to be my toughest week. For me, weeks 1 & 2 are filled with motivation and enthusiasm for a new project and the start of the challenge. Week 4 is a cinch because I’m usually past the 50,000 word winning post and cruising towards my final word count. This year, I’m making a concerted effort for week 3 to be a Nano delight! I’m going to change my writing routine to freshen up my creative muse and simply enjoy getting to the 50,000 word marker by day 20!  
I know my regular writing routine works, but this week I intend to include other creative tasks to combat the ‘NaNo slump’. These additional activities will give me a little extra downtime whilst supporting my writing. Think of it as a treat week before the big finale week!