Monday #Motivation #Meditation #TarotReading

Welcome to another Monday, and another opportunity to begin your week on a positive vibration.

Continuing with Part 2 of the Self-Love Meditation series, today’s focus is on gratitude. Enjoy!

And now on to our Tarot Reading for the week.

The Six of Cups is one of my favorite feel-good cards. The cups are overflowing with flowers and sharing one with someone else is such a wonderful thing to do. It reflects innocence of childhood and joy. It can also represent revisiting someone from your childhood. I just see it is a benevolent card. The Nine of Pentacles is a gorgeous card and exudes abundance, self-sufficiency and financial independence. It can represent a reward for hard work. While the suit of Pentacles typically focuses on material wealth and gain, this card also suggests that you are in harmony with the environment around you. You appreciate the beauty and abundance found in nature, and you can harness this high-vibe energy to bring pleasure into your life. You may enjoy gardening or floristry, or you may just like to pass your time in the beauty of nature with picnics or walks in the park. The Strength card is pretty self-explanatory. It represents strength, determination, and power. But it speaks to an inner strength, not an outer. You are fueled by your inner strength, personal power, strong will and determination. You can control a situation without excessive, outward force. No one knows it’s you calling the shots. It looks to be a powerful week ahead, incorporating benevolence and sharing, having gratitude for your abundance of blessings in life and strength to do whatever needs doing.

I’d love to hear from you! Thoughts?