Monday Marketing tips from Alice Castle.


It’s my pleasure to host bestselling author Alice Castle on my blog today. Alice has provided three of her top marketing tips for you. Her books are hugely popular and you can find out more about her work by following the links at the bottom of this post. I added Alice’s books to my mother-in-law’s kindle and after reading The Perfect Widow,  my mother-in-law said she didn’t want the book to end! I can vouch for the fact that all of Alice’s books are amazing.

Alice Castle’s three top marketing tips.

  1. Keep promotional bookmarks on you at all times, with the book covers/buy links on them.  I’ve given them out in shops, at parties and even once at a queue in the bank. You never know who’s going to buy!
  2. Ask your local library if they do author talks. They are nerve-wracking but help to get new readers, plus the library may buy copies of your books and then you get 8p every time someone borrows one, if you sign up for Public Lending Rights
  3. Try and interact with readers as well as other authors on social media. It’s easy to get into a comfortable circle with authors, all promoting their own books, but what you really need is someone who’ll buy and read. Check out who other authors in your genre have as readers/followers. And always reply to readers!


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Alice’s book links are: and