Meet the Author… Laura Daleo

Meet the Author… Laura Daleo

I haven’t met Laura Daleo, but I like her already. She loves vampires, furry creatures, and even has been so bold to start her own publishing company! Laura has written four vampire novels. Let’s find out about Laura and her books. 

Laura Daleo


Laura Daleo was born and raised in San Diego, California, where she majored in Fine Arts at Mesa College. She is best known for her love of animals and shares her home with three humorous Basset Hounds, Stuart, Morgan, and Dexter, her toughest critics. Laura has held positions in several industries, restaurant, telecom, biotech, research, and retail. Throughout Laura’s professional career, she furthered her writing skills by taking courses and by joining writers’ critique groups and Writers Digest. She is now the owner of Story Bound Publishing, a fresh voice in the supernatural realm of ebooks and traditional print, committed to publishing unearhtly tales of aliens, angels, demons, fairies, ghosts, shifters, vampires, werewolves, witches, zombies, and all other creatures that go bump in the night. 

What is the biggest surprise you experienced after becoming a writer?

When I started submitting queries for my vampire book, Immortal Kiss, to agents and publishers, the feedback I received was they had no interest in another vampire book. Twilight was big at that time which I would have thought would drive up the need for more vampire books, yet agents and publishers said the opposite. In my opinion vampires will never go out of style. I did find one publisher who was interested and offered me a contract.

Who is your favorite author?

Anne Rice is my favorite author. Her book, The Interview With The Vampire, in my opinion changed how the world perceived the vampire. Her character, Lestat, is one of my favorite vampires of all time. When I’d finished the 4th book in her vampire chronicles, the 5th book wasn’t due out for a year. I couldn’t wait and the anticipation led me to create my own vampire series, Immortal Kiss.

Music or silence?

I like to listen to music to get ideas, but then turn it off once I start to write.

What is your favorite genre and why?

I enjoy dark fantasy and urban fantasy. I love a creature perceived as evil, yet they are given a vulnerable side which makes you care about them.

The Vow by Laura Daleo

Can you give us an interesting fun fact about your book?

I took an Egyptian myth and used a variation of it to create how vampirism began.

Are you working on another book? Can you give us a small teaser?

I’m working on my 5th book, The Soul Collector. It’s my first non-vampire tale. Here is a teaser:

As I lay trapped inside this quiet realm, 
my soul adrift, my body earthbound,
a magical book guards my flight,
though will it keep me safe till morning’s light.

What do your plans for future projects include?

My future projects are two more books in my Immoral Kiss series, The Ten and The Old Ones, and then a standalone book, The Doll.

How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?

My first two books were published by a small press publisher. I felt that I didn’t have the creative freedom with covers, editing, and the time frame it took to publish. Once my contracts were up, I began publishing my own books. I’m very happy I made that decision. My writing has grown so much since then.

Do you do book tours, and if yes, what’s your experience?

Yes, I love book tours. It’s great exposure. You do have to do your research, though. Not all book tour services have a great organizer behind them.

Do you send out a newsletter, and if yes, what’s your experience?

I do send out a newsletter. I do a monthly giveaway for my subscribers and I think that keeps them happy.


Thanks so much, Laura, for letting us get to know about you, your writing, and your experience in the publishing world. It’s hard to get heard (or rather ‘read’). Good advice about book tours!

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Amazon Author Page:

All Laura’s books are available on Amazon


The post Meet the Author… Laura Daleo appeared first on Jacky Dahlhaus – Paranormal Romance Author.