Last chance to nominate your favourite books in this year’s YABBA, KOALA and KROC awards!

REAL AWARDS – Australia’s Children’s Choice awards (YABBA, KOALA and KROC)

These awards mean so much to me as they are voted by kids – the people I write for! I’ve been fortunate to be on the REAL shortlist every year from 2012-2020 (except 2018). The only way to get on the list is for our readers to nominate and vote – so click the following links to make your choices but do it soon.
YABBA NOMINATING LINK Voting closes Wednesday 31 March so you need to get in quick!
KOALA NOMINATING LINK Voting closes this FRIDAY 26 MARCH so you need to get in even quicker!

Make sure that you vote for book titles too – not just the series.

A couple of weeks ago I was interviewed on the School Broadcasting Network and Funky Kids Radio, along with Andy Griffiths, Deborah Abela and Tristan Bancks about the REAL awards which form the shortlists for the annual children’s choice awards in Victoria (YABBA), NSW (KOALA) and the Northern Territory (KROC). Michelle Nye who is the Coordinator of the YABBA awards co-hosted the show with the lovely Reka and Ginger who are still at school. I love this network and the opportunities afforded to young people who are interested in a career in radio (I would have adored doing something like this when I was a kid).

You can catch the show with Andy Griffiths, Deb Abela, Tristan Bancks and me on the link here and don’t forget to vote for the REAL shortlist via the links below which then goes on to become the YABBA, KOALA and KROC award shortlists in Victoria, NSW and the Northern Territory.