Join in all the fun for the 2020 Australia Reads Campaign!


From 1 -12 November, all Australians are being encouraged to boost their reading habits! I am very proud to be one of the author ambassadors for this year’s event and have even written a special Kensy and Max book just for the campaign.

Anytime is a good time to read, but did you know there is a specific reading hour happening on Thursday 12 November? There are also some absolutely amazing FREE events you can join in with. On Monday 9 November there is one is specifically for kids and another for teens. The third event for the grown-ups is on Wednesday 11 November. For kids and teens, Australia Reads is teaming up with the Sydney Opera House – you can sign up for the events HERE or click on the yellow picture below! And did I mention they’re free and perfect for school groups all over Australia. But you need to register NOW!

Kensy and Max: SPY GAMES was written especially for Australia Reads and is available now for just $2.99 in all good bookshops. Hope you get to read it soon! There are three other fabulous books by the ambassadors too.