IT’S GUEST AUTHOR SATURDAY!! Please welcome saga author Carol MacLean…


Hi Carol! I am thrilled to welcome you back to my blog and really looking forward to catching up and hearing more about your latest release ELSIE’S WARTIME WISH – let’s kick things off with my questions, shall we?

What genre do you
typically read? Why?

I like to read
family and romantic sagas because I love reading about young women working and
making friends and falling in love against an interesting setting or period of
history – and I really like to have a happy ever after at the end of the book
at least for some of the characters.

Share a favourite
childhood memory.

My mum used to
read the tea leaves when I was a child and I loved hearing her predictions for
the future, it felt exciting and magical.

Do you have any
shameless addictions? ie. Tea, Books, Shoes, Clothes?

Coffee! But
these days, sadly, it’s mostly decaffeinated otherwise I would never sleep.

What do you think is
the biggest challenge of writing a new book?

Getting beyond
the first chapter and making sure my idea has enough ‘legs’ to run to a satisfying
plot and 80-90,000 words.

Do you aim for a set
amount of words/pages a day?

No, I don’t aim
for amounts of words/pages but I do set myself a time eg I’ll aim to write all
day or for an hour or even half an hour depending on what’s happening in the
rest of my life. It’s amazing how productive even a half hour can be when you
are focussed.

What are your thoughts
on writing a book series?

I didn’t set out to write a
series but was asked to by my publisher and so the Kiltie Street Girls series
was born! I have really enjoyed linking each book (they can be read as
stand-alones) and catching up on characters from previous books to see what
they are up to and how their lives have progressed while new characters or
minor characters from one book can be developed into key characters in the

Elsie’s Wartime Wish






Carol MacLean lives in the Glasgow area. She began by writing pocket novels, having 18 published before deciding to write historical saga. When she’s not writing, Carol can be found visiting museums or walking around the city looking for traces of old Glasgow to inspire her next novel.

Carol MacLean | Hera (

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