IT’S GUEST AUTHOR SATURDAY!! Please welcome historical romance author Grace Colline…


Hi Grace! It is so nice to welcome you to my blog for the very first time – I am looking forward to learning more about you and your latest release THE LADY & THE LIEUTENANT. Let’s kick things off with my questions…

1.)              Do you use pictures as inspiration at the start of a book?

 I often have an image of what I want the cover to look like in my head. That’s good in that I can refer to that for inspiration, but bad because the actual cover art may come as a shock! 

2.)              What is your favourite period drama? 

The 1994 A&E Pride and Prejudice miniseries. 

3.)              Are the titles of your books important? 

They are—I try to hint at the main conflict in the story with the title. 

4.)              If you’re struggling with a scene or difficult character, what methods help you through it? 

I do something with my fiber art—whether spinning some yarn on my spinning wheel or knitting something (socks, hats, cardigans). It’s a nice repetitive, word-free activity that seems to help the muse along.

5.)              Are you an early bird or a night owl? 

I am definitely an early bird!

6.)              Who’s your favourite author? Why? 

Jane Austen. She revolutionized romantic drama with just a few books and made such headway for female authors. One can learn so much about the Regency just by reading her books and getting to know her characters.

7.)              Do you have a pet peeve? 

Hmmm…I try not to. But misusing the word “theory” will get me going…

8.)              Can you tell me a little about your next project?

 I’ve written a book called The Horsemaster’s Daughter and I’m in the process of revising it now and submitting to publishers. It’s a Cinderella tale with an unconventional heroine and a rather too conventional hero.


 Lieutenant James Hannigan is the only survivor of a naval attack. Safe at home, he realizes the girl next door is the only one for him. But she is destined for his older brother, and he is headed back to sea.

Lady Anne Debenham is expected to wed the heir to the neighboring estate. But the younger brother holds her heart. How can she possibly earn Jamie’s love?
Jamie and Anne must struggle to find a way to each other. But will war and family secrets keep them apart?
Grace Colline lives in Stockbridge, Georgia with two of her five children and way too many dogs. When she is not grading papers for her online Biology classes or cooking, she is writing something inspired by Jane Austen. For inspiration, she sits at her spinning wheel turning fiber into yarn until the story is ready to be told.

Instagram: @gracecollineregency