IT’S GUEST AUTHOR SATURDAY!! Please welcome contemporary romance author Helga Jensen…

Hi Helga! It’s so nice to welcome you to my blog for the very first time – I am so looking forward to learning more about you and your latest book release A SCANDINAVIAN SUMMER. Let’s kick things off with my questions…

1.)                What was your first job? Did you like or dislike it? Why?

I worked as a travel agent on a Youth Training Scheme (YTS). It was a full-time job, but you got paid something like £19 per week. I think it went up to £29 per week in the second year. For the salary, there was a lot of responsibility and work. You’d have to work Saturdays, and it would be so busy. We would also have these mega-events on Boxing Day with people queuing outside the door. There was no chance for lunch or a coffee break. I wouldn’t want to do it again for £19 per week! We did get Marks and Spencer vouchers, though, as commission, so that was a benefit. However, that sadly didn’t pay the rent!

2.)                Do you have a pet peeve? If so, what is it?

Super mean reviews. I understand that not everyone likes everyone’s books, and they might not rate them very highly, but I have seen some pretty nasty reviews out there. I sometimes wonder if a reviewer who writes something super horrible realises that the author has put their heart and soul into that book for probably the best part of a year, and it costs nothing to be a little bit kinder. Always remember that there is an emotional and sensitive human reading that review! I saw one review for someone once, and I thought, wow, I wonder if they would actually say that to the author’s face? I do hope not! 

3.)                Do you spend more time researching or writing?

Definitely writing. However, it does get me into trouble at some points in the draft when I realise I don’t know what to write next! I much prefer to get on with the story and sit down and write it rather than doing lots of research. I could never write historical fiction, for example. I am lucky that I don’t need to do too much research for my books, as I tend to know the places I write about.

4.)                Tell me about your book A Scandinavian Summer and where you got your inspiration for it?

A Scandinavian Summer is set on an island in Denmark. My father was from near the island I wrote about, called Fanø. I visited the island some years back and absolutely fell in love with the place. I knew then that I would have to set one of my books there. The island has thatched cottages, cobbled streets and people riding around on bikes with big baskets on the front. It is truly magical there. I don’t know that any words can describe what a wonderful place it is, you would need to see it for yourself!

5.)                How much of your book is realistic?

A Scandinavian Summer is purely fictional. However, I tried to show some of the true beauty of the island that it is set on.

6.)                What are your ambitions for your writing career?

I would like to get an agent next, as I was fortunate to go straight in with a publisher. I do have my heart set on one particular agent and would love for her to take me! I think that as my career grows, it would be nice to have an agent advise me on things such as translating books. I think, in the future, this would be a dream come true – to see my books translated into different languages. I also want to get my doctorate, so hopefully, that will happen in the next three years. A lot has happened in the past two years, so who knows what will happen in the next two!

7.)                Who is your role model? Why?

I have to say it would be Jules Wake. She writes the most remarkable books, many of which are set in fantastic locations. Whilst it would be my dream to have a career like Jules, she makes time for new writers too. She is such a kind and inspirational person and was so helpful to me when I started out. I will never forget the support she gave me. She also has one of my dream agents; I admire her so much!

8.)                Share one fact about yourself that would surprise people.

Although I am British, I lived in the Middle East for longer than in the UK. I also understand a little Arabic. 

Author bio 

Helga Jensen is an award-winning British/Danish author and journalist. Her debut novel was a winning entry in the 2017 Montegrappa First Fiction competition at Dubai’s Emirates Literary Festival. Her debut was also a contender for the coveted 2021 Joan Hessayon Award for new writers. Helga’s second romantic comedy, A Scandinavian Summer, went straight to number one on the Amazon Kindle charts for Danish travel on its publication day. Helga holds a BA Hons in English Literature and Creative Writing, along with a Creative Writing MA from Bath Spa University. She is currently researching for a PhD.

Twitter – @HelgajensenF

Instagram – @Helgajensenauthor

Facebook – @Helgajensenfordeauthor 

Book blurb

It’s the right time for love, but is it the wrong place?

After the tragic, premature death of her husband Anthony, Martha has spent all her time focused on her teenage daughter Rosie in their small Welsh village.

But with Rosie leaving the nest, and Martha’s own job on the line, it feels that life is passing her by.

Inspired by her love for Scandi-noir dramas, Martha impulsively books a trip to Denmark, determined to push herself out of her comfort zone – even if the thought terrifies her…

Her trip to the tiny island of Fano becomes something much more: in the form of a handsome stranger, Lars. Can Martha find love under the Scandinavian skies… but more importantly, can she find herself?


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