It’s all happening

Well it’s all been happening over the last 10 days or so.

Firstly I found out that I had made the long list of the Erewash Writers short story competition. Unfortunately that was as far as I got but I consider that progress as it’s been a few years since I wrote any new short stories.

Next I received my author’s copy of “Ghostly tales for Christmas Eve”. This is an anthology of ghost stories comprised of the winners and highly commended stories in the second Crowvus Publishing Christmas Ghost Story competition. My story “New Neighbours” was highly commended in this. The book contains some very good short stories although a few of them are screaming out for an edit as the use or lack of grammar was in some cases appalling. It’s not sour grapes – there were some extremely good and worthy stories in there and I am merely pointing out that the poor editing by the authors may detract from their hard work and story craftmanship.

Since then my Chronicles of Arkadia series of fantasy books has been re-published all with shiny new covers which look absolutely superb. At the time of writing this the Kindle versions are up for sale and the paperback versions are currently with Kindle Direct Publishing for their approval. Hopefully by the time that I next post these too will be up for sale on Amazon.

Now begins the hard work of marketing them all over again.

Oh and then of course there’s the small matter of my new fantasy book being launched any day now hopefully – watch out for news about “A call to arms” book 1 in the Fractured Kingdom series.