I’m Working!

In case you wondered.

I’m finding that beyond the research for the science bits, the series requires that sometimes I go back to previous episodes to make sure I’m getting the continuity right. Mostly I can work out things from outline notes but occasionally I actually have to read chapters from past episodes to get the details I need or see where I last left a character!

So, I’m making no time estimates anymore, but episode nine is on a roll and I’m diligently working on it every day and will keep doing so until it’s finished!

Meanwhile, I’ve been told that the audiobook version of episode seven has been finished and approved so it should become available on Audible very soon!

I love how Akalya is leading me into more intense drama in these later episodes. As any author knows, there comes a point where the characters lead the action and the author is just along for the ride!

I’m looking forward to getting to the final episode soon, but I do know how this one finishes and I’m steeling myself against the inevitable emotional backwash that I know is coming.

Please do leave your comments in the reviews of your retailers website! Feedback tells me if my readers are enjoying the series as much as I am!