Historical novels vs Contemporary Novels…

Which do you prefer??

Are you a staunch historical or contemporary reader? Do you read an equal number of each? I think most readers have a willingness to read both depending on the blurb/their mood or if a book has been recommended to them.

But what about writers? Do we have to have a preference? I think…possibly. BUT as much as I love writing historical, every now and then I have a huge pull to write a contemporary novel or even series and this has happened to me lately. It’s been years since I wrote anything contemporary, but last week I was struck by an idea and started writing. I have absolute certainty this is what I should be writing next so I am going for it!

At the moment, I think it will be a trilogy revolving around three sisters living in New York…

Would you welcome a new contemporary series from me? Or do you follow/read me because I’ve only written historicals for the last four years or so? I’d love to know!

There is no right or wrong answer – this new series will be written because I know the signs well enough by now to know that the characters won’t leave me alone until I’ve told their story. Watch this space!

Have a wonderful, wonderful
Christmas, lovely Readers…

Rachel xx