Happy Birthday Blast for Babe in the Woods by Jude Hopkins


thrilled to announce the release of Jude Hopkins’ Babe in the Woods today!
To help celebrate, we are asking our readers if you can please pretty
please pick up a copy at Amazon and come back and tell us how you liked it? Or, leave a review! 

Congratulations, Jude, on your women’s fiction new release, Babe in the Woods!

Is Now Available in Paperback!

September 1995, the first year of the rest of HADLEY TODD’S life. After
a decade in Los Angeles, trying and failing to launch her career as a
playwright, Hadley has returned to her hometown in rural New York to
write and to be closer to her lonely, ailing father – not that he always
welcomes the help. Between looking after him and teaching Shakespeare
to teenage malcontents at the local high school, Hadley is determined to
produce a masterpiece before 36. She even joins a writing group,
thinking the structure will keep her focused. Hadley hopes to channel
her recent heartbreak from being dumped in L.A. into writing a play
about the last moment of a woman’s innocence, a play that an agent
friend in Hollywood has promised to produce. But she struggles with
writer’s block and seeks inspiration.

TREY HARDING, a young, handsome sports reporter for a local radio
station who covers sports at the high school where Hadley teaches. Trey
reminds Hadley of her L.A. ex and is the perfect spark to touch off her
imagination. Trey has two girlfriends who work at the school, giving
Hadley a great perch from which to watch and write down their
interactions. The fact that Trey is an aspiring rock star and she has
L.A. record biz connections makes the alliance perfect. She dangles
promises of music biz glory while watching his moves. But after they
both go to Hollywood, Hadley learns that believing in herself is all the
inspiration she needs.

Amazon: https://amzn.to/41FoWQa 

Barnes & Noble: https://bit.ly/451nn20

About Jude Hopkins

Hopkins has published essays in The Los Angeles Times, Medium, and
elsewhere, as well as poetry in numerous journals and magazines. Her
work can be found on her website at judehopkinswriting.net.

Twitter: www.twitter.com/HeyJudeNotJudy

Medium: https://medium.com/@heyjudehopkins