GUEST AUTHOR SATURDAY!! Please welcome fantastic Sunday Times bestselling author Sue Moorcroft…


Hi Sue! I am so happy to welcome you to my blog and really looking forward to catching up with you as well as finding out more about your latest release SUMMER AT THE FRENCH CAFE. Let’s kick things off with my questions…

1.)              Do you use pictures as inspiration at the start of a book?

No, not at all. The spark to a book comes from my head – a memory, an anecdote someone’s told me, something I’ve read, or, occasionally, something that just comes to me. I do often find pictures of my hero or heroine, though, and refer to it if I need to.

2.)              What is your favourite period drama?

I’ll say Poldark, as it’s the only one I’ve watched in years. I don’t watch much fiction on TV. I watch Formula 1 coverage and some documentaries. I loved the Poldark books by Winston Graham and also the first dramatization, starring Robin Ellis as Ross Poldark. The more recent adaptation was great, but I found I didn’t want to watch season two, because Ross allows his passions to carry him into unacceptable territory.

3.)              Are the titles of your books important?

For marketing, they really are! However, they’re often chosen by my editor, or tweaked in some way by her. Avon titles tend to say exactly what the book contains, like my most recent book – Summer at the French Café.My working title was Summer at the French Park Café, but she thought it was better without Park. Certain words appeal to readers more than others. To be honest, I want the title that will sell.

4.)              If you’re struggling with a scene or difficult character, what methods help you through it?

Pen and paper is top of my list. I might work out a scene on sticky notes or on a page – it’s like talking to myself but in writing. I feel the best creative connection exists between my brain and a pen. The connection between my brain and my keyboard works differently. Another technique is to talk to a writing buddy about a character or scene. By answering her/his questions and justifying character actions, I find things become clearer. I talk to my editor, too, but I tend to reserve that for fundamental decisions, such as whether a theme is too dark for one of my books.

5.)              Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Early bird. I get up about 6.30 a.m. and start work 45-60 minutes later.

6.)              Who’s your favourite author? Why?

This is so difficult! Different authors appeal at different times. The stalwart has always been Nevil Shute, who I began to read when I was nine. My dad had some of his books and so they became something we chatted about together. The first Shute book I read was A Town Like Aliceand it taught me what an enormous part a love story can play in a novel. I still have my entire Nevil Shute collection in print.

7.)              Do you have a pet peeve?

Slippery viewpoint. I hate it when authors want me to headhop and I rarely go on with a book once I realise it’s happening. I don’t like omniscience, either. I like to get right into the brain of the character who holds the viewpoint, knowing what they know and seeing what they see.

8.)              Can you tell me a little about your next project?

A White Christmas on Winter Street is set in ‘my’ cosy village of Middledip. Sky Terran was fostered there and considers that time the only good thirteen months of her childhood, including a magical Christmas. When she gets the opportunity to buy a dilapidated property called The Corner House in the village she takes it, because it comes at a time when she needs something to cling onto. Daz Moran’s lived in Middledip all his life and knows himself privileged to have a wonderful childhood. However, he’s coping with his best friend being sent to prison. He’s also stuck in a job he hates, and he wanted The Corner House to help him set off in a new career. I really set Sky and Daz off on the wrong foot.

Thanks for inviting me onto your blog today, Rachel!

Sue’s latest book is Summer at the French Café:

Sparkling sun, strolls in the gorgeous French countryside, that first sip of cool, crisp wine – Summer is Kat’s favourite season. And this year should be no exception…

As soon as Kat Jenson set foot in the idyllic French village of Kirchhoffen, she knew she’d found her home. Now she has a dreamy boyfriend, a delightful dog and the perfect job managing a bustling book café in the vibrant Parc Lemmel.

But when she learns her boyfriend isn’t all he seems, it’s the start of a difficult summer for Kat. Vindictive troublemakers, work woes and family heartache follow, and the clear blue sky that was her life suddenly seems full of clouds.

Then she gets to know the mysterious Noah, and her sun begins to shine brighter than ever. But Noah has problems of his own – ones that could scupper their new-found happiness. Together, can they overcome their many obstacles, and find love again?

Buy it from a favourite retailer here.

Sue Moorcroft is a Sunday Times bestselling author, #1 on Kindle UK and Top 100 on Kindle US. She’s won the Goldsboro Books Contemporary Novel of the Year, Readers’ Best Romantic Novel award and the Katie Fforde Bursary.

Her novels, short stories, serials, columns, writing ‘how to’ and courses have appeared around the world.

Amazon page: Sue Moorcroft

Facebook author page SueMoorcroftAuthor

Twitter: @SueMoorcroft

Instagram: @SueMoorcroftAuthor

Linked in: Sue Moorcroft

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