Gas Man, Plastic, House Move,

This is about the above things though not necessarily in that order. Yes the house move is done, and no, the house is not and so today is the day the gas man visits for around the fourth time. Hoping it will be all signed off then.
The house is good, definitely a ‘rightmove’ and it will be great when it’s finished. A lot of upgrading required but we don’t have to be somewhere else while it’s done so that’s another bonus. In amongst all this my play The Bus Stop took up six weeks, rehearsals and 2 nights of performances, both to appreciative audiences, so after the anxiety and anticipation I can now wind down a little and relax if only a little as the family support team, (my husband and yours truly) taking Dad to hospital appointments, with plenty more to come and it is a bit of a journey, about 4 hours round trip excluding hospital time, so just a bit busy, but we’re ok and that’s what matters at the end of everything, isn’t it? Now to get on to plastic, single use plastic. I don’t know whether I’ve said before but I actually think plastic itself is a pretty good thing for all sorts of uses. It’s virtually indestructible. And that’s the problem. We have to be better at recycling the stuff. It has a myriad of uses. In Ellesmere, Shropshire around one of the pools there are fishing platforms made from recycled bottles. A plaque there gives you all the details. And now to the horror that has become Halloween. How much plastic, (single use) was wasted on that event. ‘Enter if you dare’ ‘Zombie Zone’, plastic collection buckets, skeletons, weird photos, bats, limbs in blood, masks, the list seems endless. Anyhow, where is it all now? The young folk who have been taking days off school to protest might think about this and ask other young folk not to be drawn in. Go Apple Bobbing or play snap dragon, good old traditional British Halloween games, and they don’t require single use plastic. And btw, my nails are my own and I didn’t use disposable nappies either, Harringtons terry nappies. I’ve never liked waste. Maybe some things from 30-40 years ago were a little better? You will find plastic in my house, though, washing up bowl, (9yrs old Addis 10 yr guarantee, could go on longer!) Tupperware or equivalent(some over 30yrs old, huge set as a wedding present) and of course dolls, most of them are plastic. Anyway, plastic chat and blog done, enjoy whatever you’re reading and I’ll get back to writing Remember When You ​Loved Me, due out next summer.