Frustration… deep, dark frustration…

I’ve had the back-set just over a week ago when I wanted to upload my Book 1 cover file on IngramSpark that something went wrong, and it didn’t get through. I contacted the helpful people of IngramSpark and they said it would take a few days to sort. So, I went on holiday. This was already planned, of course, but I had hoped to have uploaded the files for all my books before I went on holiday. Hell, I planned to have them uploaded in May. Not to worry, I thought, I’ll just continue where I left of when I come back and have all my files uploaded in one or two days.

Now I’m back and found out that I saved the cover file of Book 1, the one with the lady with the wispy hair that took me ages to get right, that I saved that file in a single layer. Yup, that’s right. I haven’t got a single, separate layer of that file. It would have been okay as I was happy with that file, but InDesign wants the original layers, and because it can’t find them, it displays the front cover extremely pixelated. And, you guessed it, I’ve got to start ALL. OVER. AGAIN.

You have no idea how frustrated I feel at the moment…


PS: I hope you understand I won’t be online for a while. Not until I get these bloody files uploaded…

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