Friday Reads – The Curious Casefiles by Susan Willis

Welcome back to my Friday Reads blog. 😀 My first featured book for 2023 is The Curious Casefiles, a selection of six short cosy mystery stories by Susan Willis. So grab yourself a cuppa, get cosy and let’s find out more about the book then have a chat to Susan.


Meet Rupert Robbins, the author who goes missing and scarily lives out his own novel in real life. A lonely dentist, Gareth can see his wife is in danger on a Skype session – but will he get to her? Happen across our Sherlock lover, Christine who sleuths at a Murder-Mystery weekend and finds her writing buddies are not what they seem when a body is found. And here is Megan who learns the ups and downs of social media when she returns from Glastonbury. Enter, Deirdre a foundling in Durham City who is frantically searching for her birth mother, but will she find what she’s looking for? And finally, Jason who is obsessed with fake news and leading people up the garden path but will it all backfire on him?

Welcome Susan. Have you always wanted to be a writer?

I didn’t start writing until I was forty-four. But once I’d done a home-study writing course, I was hooked. And, the rest is history as they say.

I think the great thing about being an author is that age is irrevelant. It’s never to late – or to early – to start writing. Has any author inspired you?

Many but especially Agatha Christie

What do you like writing most?

Suspense, intrigue, and cosy crime.

Do you have a special place for writing?

Last year I knocked two old outhouses into a small square space with just enough room for my desk and printer. Now I have a writing nook which I love. It’s my happy-place.

It sounds I think it’s such a treat to have your own writing place. Are you a pantster or a plotter?

A plotter always. I’d get lost if I simply wrote without a structure and plan

Is your writing ever inspired by your family or real life incidents?

Both, but I’d say more real life incidents and a lot of imagination. I’m a great people-watcher.

What are you writing at the moment?

I’m starting another four short reads to put into a collection. But I also have two novels written for this year and am looking for a publisher.

Good luch with your search for a publisher. What inspired you to write this book?

I wrote these six cosy-crime short reads on return from The Crime Writers Festival in Harrogate. It had been an amazing weekend listening to crime authors speak. I scribbled plot ideas down rapidly around the subjects discussed – especially the impact of social media on the publishing industry. Therefore, my stories cover up-to-date issues of, poor mental health in a kidnapping scenario, Skype recording a hotel intruder, dangers of posting photographs on Instagram, and the emotional damage fake news can cause. There’s even a writing group at a murder-mystery weekend.  

That all sounds fascinating. What time of the day do you write best?

I’m definitely a morning person

What are your hobbies?

Walking, cinema, knitting, travelling

What advice would you give to other writers?

Don’t give up. If you have a story to tell – someone out there will want to read it.

Great advice! Thanks so much for dropping by to talk to us today. Wishing you lots of writing success. 🙂

Meet Susan


Susan is a published author of seven novels and six novellas with short stories published in women’s UK magazines. She is now retired from Food Technology and scribbles away in County Durham. Writing psychological suspense and cosy-crime novels with strong, lovable North East characters, is her passion. Last year, she brought us, Clive’s Christmas Crusades, set in York. In December 2021, she approached a new publisher, called, Northodox Press, who focus upon crime novels written by Northern authors. They hadn’t considered publishing a collection of stories but took a chance and were willing to give it a whirl – The Curious Casefiles were published late November.

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Karen King – Writing about the light and dark of relationships.
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