Flight from Fernilee – Chapter 26


At that moment, Captain Bob Craddock made a decision. The boys were not going to be taken without a fight, even if it cost him his life.

          “I dont believe weve been properly introduced, said Captain Bob and Odis new friend looked up at him with huge brown eyes. Her little face, once covered with pale foundation, was now streaked with tears, showing patches of bronze skin underneath. Come on, Odi, do the honours.

            Dont you recognise her? This is the Exquisite One, said Odi, then added, somewhat ungallantly, though you wouldnt think so to look at her now.

            Nothing a bit of water wont fix, the Captain remarked. He picked up a towel, dowsed it under the tap in the sink, then used it to wipe away the remains of the girls make up. There! he said. Now at least we know what you look like. Let me introduce myself. My names Captain Bob Craddock, and yours is….?

            Elysha, the girl replied in a surprisingly clear, steady voice. It was also surprisingly Mancunian for such an exotic young lady. Even without the gorgeous robes and golden halo that shed cast off in order to run, she still looked quite regal in her simple white dress. Her hair had been braided and hung past her slender shoulders, decorated with small blue crystals.

         And where are you from, Elysha?

        I cant remember, she said sadly. Im so tired.

     Never mind, soothed the Captain Itll come back to you in time, Im sure. Somewhere near Manchester, am I right?

Thats where I’M from! remarked Odi, not wanting to be left out. After all, he was the one who rescued her. Of course, he hadnt much choice at the time, seeing as how she grabbed his T-shirt and refused to let go. Take me with you! she begged, and Odi could hardly refuse.

I figured you wouldnt mind, he said to the Captain, who smiled kindly.

The more the merrier,” he replied. “And now weve got a lady to keep us all in order, well all have to be on our best behavior” Later, he asked Elysha if she could remember what happened in the temple.

Elysha shook her head. They always gave me something to drink, she explained, and usually, Id only wake up when I was back in the cell.

Cell? Captain Bob was beginning to growl again. You mean they locked you in a cell!

It was quite a big cell, Elysha reassured him hurriedly, “with a bed and furniture and things. But the Nunjas always locked me in because of the boys.

What boys? said Odi and he and Joe glanced at each other, half-knowing what the answer would be.

Bad boys, Elysha continued. Prism told me there were two really wicked boys who she wanted to help, but they tried to kill her and ran away. She said theyd kill me too and that I had to stay with her where it was safe.

So, why didnt you? Odi demanded to know, rather miffed to be described so negatively.

Because, because, she frightened me, said Elysha, and I always felt ill, all the time, and no one ever talked to me and I….and I….oh, I dont know why I ran!

‘I just felt myself falling and when I came to, I didnt know where I was and there was nobody there except him! She pointed at Odi and then burst into tears, huge racking sobs causing her shoulders to shudder.

There, there, said the Captain, “what you need is a good, long, rest. You can sleep on the sofa for now.”  Elysha didn’t need a further invitation. Thankfully, she fell onto the sofa, closed her eyes and was fast asleep within seconds. Captain Bob covered her with a thick blanket.

Poor mite, he muttered. We can only guess how she’s been treated. The boys could guess only too well, and nodded their heads solemnly.    

But shell be all right now, hey? asked Odi. Captain Catastrophe sighed. I hope so, but she was in that womans power for a long time. No doubt they kept her drugged.

Ship ahoy! Uncomfortable with Elyshas crying, Joe had gone up on deck from where he spotted a large object on the horizon. Captain Bob came running and extended a telescope to look. Its a very large vessel, he stated, and quite unusual.

Let me see! begged Joe, eagerly, and wrestled Odi for the telescope. I bags first! he cried. By the time he put the instrument to his eye, the vessel had grown considerably larger and Joe started back with horror. Its Smyle! he screamed. Prism must have told him where we were!

It might just be coincidence, said Captain Bob, but inwardly he too was trembling. Of course, that wretched woman would have contacted her boss immediately, but he’d hoped the Mersey May was far enough  to disappear.

Well never outrun him! said Odi, and even if we do, hes got radar and satellite and heat-seeking missiles!

Dont worry boys! boomed Captain Bob, feigning a courage he didnt feel, Well get away somehow and then youll see just why Im called Catastrophe… This last statement was meant to be heartening, but when he stopped to think about it…. Anyway, lets get cracking, shall we? Master Joe!

Aye, aye, Captain!

Go check the engine and make sure were firing on all cylinders. Master Odi!

Aye, aye, Capn.

Splice the mainbrace…or whatever….Well, button down the sails, or whatever you think needs doing. Ill stay on the bridge and steer a course for Australia!

Its amazing how efficient people can be in a crisis. Even Captain Catastrophe with his two-boy crew managed to get the Mersey May chugging along faster than it had ever sailed, yet the Captain was not hopeful, especially as, every time he looked through his telescope, the huge black Ocean of Smyle’s loomed larger than the time before.

Now it was gaining on them, cutting a swathe through the waters, and the Captain could no longer shield Joe and Odi from the awful truth. There was no escape.

Its getting closer! cried Joe, his voice rising with panic.

Cant we go any faster? Odi begged. Theyll catch us easily!

Never fear, boys! the Captain bawled back. Hell not get you again, not as long as theres a breath in my body!

At that moment, Captain Bob Craddock made a decision. The boys were not going to be taken without a fight, even if it cost him his life. What was left of it was worthless anyway, and the only purpose hed had since setting off on his aimless journey to oblivion was caring for his two new friends. From the day hed pulled them on board the Mersey May, hed been happier than he had for years. Happier even than before Elymas had cheated him of his fortune, smeared his name and forced him to live as a fugitive.

But youll not do it to them! he roared, and the boys looked at him anxiously. Was Captain Bob losing his grip?

Still Smyles vessel loomed, and everyone aboard the Mersey May was growing frantic as the fight to stay ahead seemed increasingly pointless. Despite his determination to resist capture, Captain Bob began to despair.

If theres a God in heaven, he railed, for pitys sake, help us! He gazed upwards as if expecting an answer. But it was Joe who spoke.

Dont be afraid, he said, partly to himself and then his voice softened to a whisper. I am with you.

The yacht was now so close, Mr. Smyle, could be seen leaning from the prow of his ship, megaphone in hand.

Give up, you pirate! he bellowed. Ill have you charged for kidnapping! Pull over now, or well ram you.

Captain Bob shook his fist at Mr. Smyle. You monster!

Why, if it isnt Bob Craddock, you old fraud! crowed Smyle. Ill see you in jail yet!

And Ill see you in hell! replied Bob. You stole my bank then call ME dishonest!

Its making a lot more money without you, you washed-up, useless nobody! laughed Smyle. How does it feel to be poor, Craddock? How does it feel to go from billions to nothing overnight?

Im richer than Ive ever been, you slime! Anyone can make profits if they’re willing to cheat and lie!

Ive no time for this pathetic banter! snarled Smyle. He turned to his crew and gave the signal to board the Mersey May. Lets get this over with.

Instinctively, Captain Bob grabbed a crow bar, prepared to meet all-comers. “Bring it on, Smyle! Im ready for you!

Naturally, Mr. Smyle did not intend to deal with Captain Bob himself.

Get him! he commanded, and four huge men appeared on the lower deck of Smyles ship, poised to leap aboard the smaller craft.

Thats when it happened. Suddenly, the Mersey May lurched upwards and was pushed several yards away from the Ocean of Smyle’s.

Oh, give up, Craddock! scoffed Smyle. Youll not get away from me.

But Captain Bob was just as surprised as anyone. Bewildered, he swivelled round to see what could have caused this unexpected motion. Then, the Mersey May did it again, this time lurching higher and further than before.

It was truly extraordinary. The sea drew back, as though  being sucked through an enormous straw, and it pulled Smyles vessel backwards by a third of a mile at least.

And then all was still. Not a sound, not a movement. Captain Bob stared towards his pursuers who in turn stared back, not knowing what to make of this phenomenon.

After several moments, it began to dawn on Captain Bob what it could be.

Tsunami! he mouthed. Jumping to his senses, he called Joe and Odi. Come here boys quickly! Im going to tie you to the mast. This he did and hurried down to the cabin to make sure the sleeping Elysha was strapped in safely too.

By the time he returned on deck, an enormous wave was approaching; so powerful, it lifted up the Ocean of Smyle’s as if the yacht was made of paper, before travelling at incredible speed towards the Mersey May.

For the second time that day, Bob Craddock prayed, but the wave kept coming, closer and closer, remorselessly rising higher and higher all the time so that, when at last its shadow towered over them, it began to curl over, set to crush them under a trillion tons of water.

Captain Bob, Joe and Odi squeezed their eyes shut, awaiting the inevitable deluge. Instead, they felt the boat shift sideways, pitching slightly, and lean towards the starboard.

And then, with an enormous lurch, the Mersey May shot forward, propelled by an irresistible force, faster than a bullet from a gun. It whisked along for what seemed like hours through a tunnel of brilliant green water. Rainbow flashes sparked on all sides as the sun penetrated, while on and on they skimmed, the Mersey May held rigid all the way.
Whats happening? cried Joe, clinging for dear life onto the mast.

 Were surfing! Captain Bob replied. Its hard to believe, but were being catapulted by an enormous centrifugal force. Quite how, exactly, he couldnt say, but there was no doubting the power of the hollow wave that enveloped them.  It carried them for miles until, gradually, the waters began to shrink and Captain and the Mersey May slowed down. At last they emerged to blue skies, a calm, still sea and no sign of their pursuer.

Whoa! gasped Odi. That was some ride!

Whod have thought wed survive a tsunami? exclaimed the Captain, secretly rather pleased with himself. Not many sailors could claim to have done that.

It was the wave that saved us! Joe pointed out. Either that, or Captain Bobs sailing, added Odi, which would really be a miracle!

Just then, Elysha poked her head up from below, oblivious to all the excitement. Im hungry! she said. Can I have something to eat?

What an excellent suggestion! said Captain Bob. He clapped his hands enthusiastically and headed for the galley. Lets all have a jolly good fry up to celebrate! But Elysha had other ideas and started rifling through the cupboard.

Fried food isnt good for you, she said. Well have some nice pasta and tomatoes and peppers. The boys looked at each other in dismay. The last thing they needed now was a bossy girl on a healthy food kick! Worse was to come. Having retrieved a rather sad-looking lettuce from the fridge, she passed it to Joe along with some onions. You can do the salad, she said in a matter of fact tone, and you, addressing Odi, can wash the pots.

Me?! replied Odi indignantly. Hey, I dont do kitchen stuff!

If Elysha heard his objection at all, she chose to ignore it. Its very messy in here. You boys need someone to look after you properly. And she set about busily tidying up and organising things in a highly efficient way.

No, not you, Captain! she exclaimed on seeing her host making a lame attempt to clear the table. You have far too much to do already.

The Captain looked bemused for a moment, wondering what that something was exactly, but Elysha put him straight. Being a Captain is a big responsibility.

At this, Captain Bob jumped to life. Oh, yes. Quite. Quite. Still unsure as to what he should be doing, he waffled for a short while, then said, decisively. If anyone wants me, Ill be on deck, looking out for dangers. Oh no, you boys stay here, he added as Joe and Odi both started to follow him eagerly. Keep Elysha company. No doubt, youll have a lot to talk about.

Never a truer word was spoken. Once Elysha started talking, it was very difficult to stop her. Not even Odi was able to talk as quickly and for so long without pausing for breath. Amongst other things, she mentioned that she too had been taken from her home and placed into the tender care of Sister Prism but could remember very little after that except that shed been very lonely and afraid. 
They made me drink this horrible stuff, she explained, and it made me sleepy all the time. But its wearing off now. Certainly, whatever had turned her into the zombie-like Exquisite One no longer seemed to affect her tongue.

When the meal was almost ready, Odi managed to escape for a moment to inform Captain Bob.

Has she remembered anything yet? the Captain asked.

Ill say! Odi groaned, Like only from the day she learned to crawl!

Poor little mite, mused Captain Bob.

Hey, Captain! said Odi, changing the subject. Is it true what Smyle said, about you owning a bank?

Oh that! replied the Captain, Yes, thats all water under the bridge now. His eyes were fixed ahead, hands steady on the helm, and he didnt seem keen to discuss the matter any further.

But Odi was curious. So, what happened?

Well, as you may have guessed, I havent always been a sea captain.

No! Whod have thought! Odi blurted, then immediately regretted it. He just couldnt seem to help himself at times. Sorry! he added, Seriously, Id really like to know.

Captain Bob smiled. After years of being deferred to, the boys impudence was quite refreshing. Apology accepted. Now where was I? Oh yes, Id never been to sea, but I wasa captain or sorts, a captain of industry.

         I thought you had a bank? Odi remarked.

Banks, factories, property, industries of every kind; my portfolio was most impressive. At one time, I had over 50,000 employees worldwide and half of Wall Street in my pocket, houses in every major city and estates bigger than many countries.

So, you were rich, right?

Yes, I was rich, Odi. Very, very rich. And Im proud to say, I made my fortune through honest means well, relatively, but then, to succeed in this world, one has to bend the rules a little.

So, what happened?

Someone came along who was prepared to bend the rules a lot. Someone who would stop at nothing to get what he wanted….including fraud and slander!

Mr. Smyle, right?” said Odi, “Or whatever he calls himself!

Ten out of ten! said the Captain. And one day, Ill tell you how, but now its time for supper and I dont want nasty memories to spoil my appetite. But, know what? I wouldn’t swap the life I have now for all the money in the world!”